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What has happened to the Atmosphere at the King Power?

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If the performance on the pitch dictates the atmosphere it's a sorry state of affairs.

I wonder whether Walshy would have scored his late equaliser against the Arsenal after Bergkamp had produced his box of tricks if the Filbert St crowd had had that attitude?

Walshie and a few others from that era had the ability to rouse a crowd and get a reaction. He both got stuck in and actively encouraged the crowd involvement even during the dreaded pleat era. Yes I was there. We don't currently have that kind of player despite the talent that the squad does possess.

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That may be the case usually, but not today. Today was a chance for our part-time support to give our marketing gurus a resounding 'thumbs up' to sensible pricing, but no.

This. Today had potential yet was even worse than most. I swear we're the only side who can do this well yet still be so unenjoyable to support, too often.

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Little kid behind me was moaning to his dad and his dad asked what was wrong. He said "there's always more cheering on the TV".

There's your matchday experience and family-friendly approach right there Whelan.

lol Fair play.

I wasn't a major contributor as a kid believe it or not (although I did a bit) but always loved it when it was loud.

I actually ain't convinced kids completely want a "family atmosphere" either. I certainly didn't when I went, I used to love the foul mouthed fvckers who sat behind me at FS.

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Sat towards the back in SK3, was plenty of noise, people trying to start chants, chants getting going, but fizzling out as they weren't taken up, I didn't here the Away fans or L1, and only heard Jobber a few times, every time I looked over to L1 there were lots of people standing but nobody making any noise.

I don't normally comment on the atmosphere, but there were plenty of people trying to get songs going in the kop and it worked a bit, better than what I could see going in L1.

At the end it was rocking, if L1 and or the kop could get all together it would be sooooo much better, but for some reason this seems an impossibility.

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Here is a small list of the reasons why.

Too many middle to old age people, youngsters cannot afford to go.

Tickets far to high, empty seats/empty ends.

No home standing supporter end. The away supporters corner has a better atmosphere.

We may have got rid of the young so called hooligans but replace the support with dull middle class bores.

That's true but at the risk of constantly repeating myself I'd actually say a bigger problem is the lack of older vocal fans, the 25-45s. That is partly the reason for....

I could list a large number of chants sang regularly in the Filbert Street days. Now all we seem to have is the Ben Marshall one (who can't even get in the team) and the scarf waving one.

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The average matchday atmosphere at Filbert Way is pretty crap, but the average matchday atmosphere at most grounds in this league is pretty crap to be honest.

That said, most other clubs in this league seem to have perhaps 2 or 3 games a season when they fill the ground and create a good atmosphere. I don't think we've had that for a long time actually. I mean, we've already played Forest and Derby this season. What crowds did we get? 24,793 and 20,680. And they are supposed to be 'big' games for us. At Filbert Street the ground would have been full with the same crowd.

As others have said, it's probably down to a combination of factors...the fact that we play in a soulless bowl, the fact that our support is more middle-aged and more middle-class than twenty or so years ago, the fact that tickets price people out, the fact that there are more families and kids in the ground, etc.

At the end of the day though, nothing will improve without a collective effort. It's no good relying on the club to do something.

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For the first time today and I don't say this lightly, although we have a big following and a history steeped in tradition, the club almost seems to lack much of a soul these days.

I sit right at the front, opposite the tunnel and had a bunch of kids behind me who obviously hadn't been to a game before, just talking utter nonsense throughout. And then I glanced over to see the ridiculous little chain strung across the steps (where they meet the pitch side) obviously put there to 'hold back' anyone wanting to run down the steps??? and genuinely thought how I missed the Spion Kop, barging, taking the piss out the opposition fans and all that went with it.

Nostalgic clap trap on my part, perhaps, but I did feel this today. Maybe I'm just getting old.

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Today, atmosphere-wise was ... weird? Forgetting about what happened on the pitch (and have to be positive, at least we rescued a point instead of losing all three), off it was just really weird. I don't know how to explain, or try to explain, what was going on today. It felt completely different to other times when the atmosphere has been flat. Walking to SK1 before the game and seeing the "Winter Wonderland" stuff, I have to say I did feel a sense of trepidation about how things were going to be. I never felt less like I was walking into a ground to watch a game of football in my entire life. I'm not blaming that stuff per se, but is a football match on a Saturday afternoon the right place for a bleeding carousel and reindeer?? Maybe I'm being self-righteous by thinking that, maybe that stuff was genuinely just for "the kids", but I'm really starting to wonder what life will be like at this club if (when!) we get promoted. Am I being paranoid in thinking that this club will turn its course even further along the marketing route, and that the football itself will get pushed further down the list of priorities?

What a weird day...

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Definitely the worst I've ever experienced at that stadium as I said in the post-match thread.

I think the main factor is the away following. L1 is made up of the most vocal section of our support but being based next to the away fans a lot of the noise is prompted by whatever the away fans sing (particularly when a lot of people that are in that area is because of the away fans being there). Today Barnsley brought an appaling number for a Saturday 3pm and it's been similar on Tuesday nights when teams like Bristol City turn up with awful support.

Maybe that's not the way it should be but guaranteed if you stick a 3,000 strong vocal away support next to L1 then L1 will do their best to match/better them and there will be atmosphere. I don't actually think we've seen a decent away following at The King Power Stadium this season. We've had a couple of half decent ones in Forest and Palace and there were no complaints about the atmosphere then. Huddersfiled, Wolves, Leeds, Wednesday all still to come...

The only solution is if everyone else who wants to sing moves over to J/K/L then if you've got 20% of the fanbase who want to sing singing regardless then at least there'll be a chorus of noise from the one area rather than the diluted attempts that we have at the minute on days like today.

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Definitely the worst I've ever experienced at that stadium as I said in the post-match thread.

I think the main factor is the away following. L1 is made up of the most vocal section of our support but being based next to the away fans a lot of the noise is prompted by whatever the away fans sing (particularly when a lot of people that are in that area is because of the away fans being there). Today Barnsley brought an appaling number for a Saturday 3pm and it's been similar on Tuesday nights when teams like Bristol City turn up with awful support.

Maybe that's not the way it should be but guaranteed if you stick a 3,000 strong vocal away support next to L1 then L1 will do their best to match/better them and there will be atmosphere. I don't actually think we've seen a decent away following at The King Power Stadium this season. We've had a couple of half decent ones in Forest and Palace and there were no complaints about the atmosphere then. Huddersfiled, Wolves, Leeds, Wednesday all still to come...

The only solution is if everyone else who wants to sing moves over to J/K/L then if you've got 20% of the fanbase who want to sing singing regardless then at least there'll be a chorus of noise from the one area rather than the diluted attempts that we have at the minute on days like today.

You say that, but as I said earlier in the thread, when Leeds bring 3,000 and start singing what do we do? Nothing, apart from booing marching on together. We get drowned out very quickly and then we just give up.

It's then when I think we should have the same arrogance as they do. Why don't we have the pride to try and outsing them?

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Here is a small list of the reasons why.

Too many middle to old age people, youngsters cannot afford to go.

Tickets far to high, empty seats/empty ends.

No home standing supporter end. The away supporters corner has a better atmosphere.

We may have got rid of the young so called hooligans but replace the support with dull middle class bores.

Pretty much nailed it in one paragraph for me. The people who would love to go and who would generate the atmosphere are the ones who simply cannot afford to go. People who dont have much money to spare just aren't going to throw 30 quid down on a football ticket. Its just too expensive for what it is.

When i first started to go in the early to mid 90s i think a ticket was what a tenner? Now its more or less tripled in value which has priced out alot of people now who were like me back then (teens, loving the atmosphere, wanting to scream and shout and sing for 90 minutes, loving the needle with away fans.) Those people now just dont go or are very few in numbers. The average age of the City fan has without doubt risen over the past 20 years. Would be interesting to see by how much but you can be sure that thats one of the reasons the atmosphere has died off.

Lack of standing as well is having an effect. Its too sedentary at games these days. Sat in your seat for 90 mins. Dont stand up or you may get kicked out! all atmosphere killers!

Leicester may or may not do well, but football will never get back to what it was like for fans of old with that kind of atmosphere. Footballs changed and so atmospheres have changed with it. Ive been to countless games at the King Power and i can recall two games where ive sat and thought "wow" to the atmosphere. 1-0 V Leeds a few years back and 4-1 V Millwall when the away fans were banned and it was Dennis Wises return. Those atmospheres were ten a penny a Filbert Street

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I don't think that as a proportion of the crowd there`s significantly more older people, the Carling stand was mostly that and held about 9000 mostly old uns the problem is the mix of fans, the kop at filbo was mostly made up of 16 to 35/40 year olds we don't have the equivalent to that at the KP.

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Atmospheres are created by a multitude of factors. Ours is no worse than anywhere else in the League. In fact, I think L Block is particularly impressive at times. It was a cold afternoon and we were shit against a bad side which brought no supporters. What were you expecting really?

As for the clamouring back to the Filbert Street days, there's some serious rose tinted spectacles being donned. Not to mention that the final years of Filbo represented some of the most successful in our history.

We're in the best position we've been in in eight years and have one of the best supports in the League. Having to come on here and still see so much negativity is more depressing than today's result.

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Atmospheres are created by a multitude of factors. Ours is no worse than anywhere else in the League. In fact, I think L Block is particularly impressive at times. It was a cold afternoon and we were shit against a bad side which brought no supporters. What were you expecting really?

As for the clamouring back to the Filbert Street days, there's some serious rose tinted spectacles being donned. Not to mention that the final years of Filbo represented some of the most successful in our history.

We're in the best position we've been in in eight years and have one of the best supports in the League. Having to come on here and still see so much negativity is more depressing than today's result.

Nothing other than that. I just don't get it, why are there these "dull fixtures"? It's only dull because the people claiming they're dull allow them to be.

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So many topics about atmosphere yet nobody ever does anything about it.

At least the fosse boys tried something for a period, shows the mindset of our fans though when they got no sympathy whatsoever when they were getting the run around by stewards and that chief nobhead.The amount of people around me taking the piss and giving them funny looks was shocking and totally against what being a supporter is all about. Shame they've virtually disbanded now. They had the right idea.

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So many topics about atmosphere yet nobody ever does anything about it.

At least the fosse boys tried something for a period, shows the mindset of our fans though when they got no sympathy whatsoever when they were getting the run around by stewards and that chief nobhead.The amount of people around me taking the piss and giving them funny looks was shocking and totally against what being a supporter is all about. Shame they've virtually disbanded now. They had the right idea.

Without a doubt, I'll defend them until anyone has a better idea.

I got on with every single one of them and although they made mistakes (they'd admit it) they had a better mentality than any group in the ground now. People go on about Palace's support yet probably shot the FB down as well... Palace started the same.

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Welcome to 21st century Football and mainstream culture.

Is it too late to change it? Yes.

What's happened?

Ticket prices

Sky Sports

The Premier League

Facebook & Twitter

Players overblown wages and egos

Basically people pay a lot of money for a ticket and show up to watch players getting paid a lot of money and expect to be entertained.

That's how it goes now.

And of they dont get entertained they can sit at home and watch the premier league on sky.

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