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What has Ian Stringer done now?!

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lol what a load of rubbish.


If he's sacked it's because he didn't get us promoted, not because he fell out with Stringer.


This is why a rational conversation is impossible on FT.


There's always someone that takes everything so literally and extends the point to be completely black or white. Can i ask without being offensive, are you autistic?? Because that's the only excuse for being so obtuse.


My point is that if someone fails in several areas of their job, but none by sufficient margin to sack them for that point alone, then they can end up being sacked for the cummulative hassle factor they bring.


NP won't get sacked for not speaking to Stringer, but combined with not winning promotion and not having many ST renewed they may just say let's get someone in that will charm the fans a bit as well as stand as good a chance of promotion.


It's not hard to understand once you take your singular agenda of defend NP and put it to one side.

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This is why a rational conversation is impossible on FT.


There's always someone that takes everything so literally and extends the point to be completely black or white. Can i ask without being offensive, are you autistic?? Because that's the only excuse for being so obtuse.


My point is that if someone fails in several areas of their job, but none by sufficient margin to sack them for that point alone, then they can end up being sacked for the cummulative hassle factor they bring.


NP won't get sacked for not speaking to Stringer, but combined with not winning promotion and not having many ST renewed they may just say let's get someone in that will charm the fans a bit as well as stand as good a chance of promotion.


It's not hard to understand once you take your singular agenda of defend NP and put it to one side.





But didn't they try that already with Sousa? - that didn't work out too well

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This is why a rational conversation is impossible on FT.


There's always someone that takes everything so literally and extends the point to be completely black or white. Can i ask without being offensive, are you autistic?? Because that's the only excuse for being so obtuse.


My point is that if someone fails in several areas of their job, but none by sufficient margin to sack them for that point alone, then they can end up being sacked for the cummulative hassle factor they bring.


NP won't get sacked for not speaking to Stringer, but combined with not winning promotion and not having many ST renewed they may just say let's get someone in that will charm the fans a bit as well as stand as good a chance of promotion.


It's not hard to understand once you take your singular agenda of defend NP and put it to one side.


Who's dumb enough to think people haven't renewed season tickets because Pearson doesn't charm the fans?


What's your agenda? A need to talk nonsense?


What you're saying is complete bollocks, there is no way anything to do with Stringer will contribute to him being sacked, Stringer doesn't even have the influence to present him negatively in the papers.


He's just one radio reporter, it's not as if Pearson hasn't spoken to anyone. He's spoken to at least the BBC because I've seen that interview. The fans can fvcking watch that one if they're so desperate to hear textbook post match reaction.


You're suggesting the fans/owners will just about put up with his managerial failings but not speaking to one reporter would push them over the edge lol

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Surely if the club see the Pearson - stringer situation as a problem ( for the record I don't think it is. Just a wannabe sports reporter who talks like he knows info then later we realise he doesn't) will inform radio leicester that whilst they let that clown report in the club the relationship between club and radio will be lost. A situation both shouldn't want. Radio leicester need to have a close relationship to keep the ratings up and the club need a good local radio station to get across messages to the fans who don't use Internet and social media.

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Yes but I and presumably many others on here do not know you personally, therefore unless you can divulge precisely how you came across this information then I'm afraid it has no merit.

That's fine.

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Stringer is a complete idiot really. I would love it if he was sacked.


Stringer is basically one of those people who puts his own ego before doing his job. A local radio presenter shouldn't be grilling the manager with stupid questions about his ability to do the job.


It results in poor old Nige having to give standard "no comment" style answers to basically all his questions, this robs the listeners of any worthwhile information. It also leads to the assumption that Nige is incapable of handling the media which isn't really true, in fact his interviews with sky are always much more enjoyable.



Asking probing and awkward questions of Pearson is Stringer's job. If the manager and the club don't like it then they'll doubtless make their views known somehow or another as has been the case many times in the past.


But, while I accept Stringer might be seen as irritating, arrogant and egotistical at times (something hardly  out of place among football club people) he deserves respect for vainly trying to ask the sort of questions which some might think need an answer but which football people seem to have been trained to evade, perhaps as part of their Professional qualification requirement.


As for Pearson he'll face a much harder grilling if he ever becomes a Premiership manager so he needs to learn how to deal positively with being interviewed by anyone and everyone. Unfortunately I'm not sure learning and changing are among Pearson's strengths. 

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Fault on both sides here I'd say.


Stringer is caught between a rock and a hard place because he knows more than will ever emerge during an interview with NFP - the Wood injury being a classic example. He, not unreasonably is trying to get an interview that tells us what is really going on at the club and NFP is determined not to tell him. The best he can do is ask the questions and wrongfoot NFP and he has been brave enough to do that (previous RL City corrs have been slaughtered for just taking the club at its word - and we all remember Bill Anderson) so give hime some credit. Somewhat annoyingly - those five minute post match interviews usually provide about three stories for the entire sporting media in a typical week - post match reaction, maybe an update on an injury, then a look forward to next match. So his journalistic credentials are on the line. That said he can misjudge things and get ahead of himself - I don't think it was clever to start asking end of season questions after the Watford home league game - when as we now know, things weren't finished. And didn't he tweet about Wood not playing on the night before Peterborough, this after a press conference which NFP had declared the whole squad fit and available. That would have gone down like a lead balloon - especially if it wasn't an injury and some sort of disciplinary matter. And I'm not sure any journalistic kudos he gained was worth it,  frankly.. 


Then again NFP could offer some sort of insight into what is really going on during those interviews. His withdrawal behind bland generalisations, win - pleased, players deserved it, taking nothing for granted, draw - enough chances to win the game, defeat, enough chances to win the game, didn't manage the ball well, there's always next week, is just frustrating in the extreme. He should explain why Schlupp was allowed on loan (and Moore and St Ledger), at a time when all three were important members of the squad.  He should explain why Kane came in when Waghorn, Schlupp and Vardy were just as good alternatives. These were odd odd decisions which merited further exploration. It really isn't good enough to say I'm the boss and I know best.


And of course the difference between NFP on RL and on Sky is the time factor and the interest level. National news organisations are perfectly happy with some trite soundbite - that's all they have time for anyway. They're not gping to waste time trying to find out whether Wood is really injured or has breached club discipline - they're perfectly happy to accept the former (until someone else reports it) 

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Granted, Stringer is keen to sensationalize, but as far as I'm concerned Pearson needs to grow up and accept that Stringer is doing his job.


Stringer isn't afraid to ask the questions that the fans want to hear, the problem is that Pearson doesn't want to answer those questions and answers evasively. I enjoy Shakey's interviews more, because he gives insight and honesty. I just wish Pearson would see the advantages in using the local to get the fans on board, rather than treating them with contempt and producing dull answers designed to give little away.

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Then again NFP could offer some sort of insight into what is really going on during those interviews. His withdrawal behind bland generalisations, win - pleased, players deserved it, taking nothing for granted, draw - enough chances to win the game, defeat, enough chances to win the game, didn't manage the ball well, there's always next week, is just frustrating in the extreme. He should explain why Schlupp was allowed on loan (and Moore and St Ledger), at a time when all three were important members of the squad.  He should explain why Kane came in when Waghorn, Schlupp and Vardy were just as good alternatives. These were odd odd decisions which merited further exploration. It really isn't good enough to say I'm the boss and I know best.


Agree with this, the fans want to hear explanations, not (and this is my favourite from this season) "we need to start winning games of football". You don't say...


I understand his philosophy of not getting too high if we win, nor too low if we lose, it's a good mind set to have. However, what winds me up is that the fans want to know why a player has left, if a player is injured and at least attempt to explain to fans what he thinks has gone wrong and how he is going to put it right. After a defeat, listening to a NP post-match interview only makes me feel worse.

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Those who say Stringer is an idiot are missing the point.

He is looking upwards, beyond Radio Leicester and is always looking for the scandal or sensational angle to increase his exposure.

Radio Leicester would be better served getting someone else to do the interviews.

I agree. Ironically, in this sense Stringer reminds me of Nigel Pearson. Not the City boss, but the Sky/Talk Sport reporter. Both have a limited range, both use an excessively shouty style, both are always looking for opportunities to self-promote. I fully expect Stringer to crop up on Sky, the home of mediocre reporting.
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Asking probing and awkward questions of Pearson is Stringer's job. If the manager and the club don't like it then they'll doubtless make their views known somehow or another as has been the case many times in the past.


But, while I accept Stringer might be seen as irritating, arrogant and egotistical at times (something hardly  out of place among football club people) he deserves respect for vainly trying to ask the sort of questions which some might think need an answer but which football people seem to have been trained to evade, perhaps as part of their Professional qualification requirement.


As for Pearson he'll face a much harder grilling if he ever becomes a Premiership manager so he needs to learn how to deal positively with being interviewed by anyone and everyone. Unfortunately I'm not sure learning and changing are among Pearson's strengths. 

:crylaugh:  :crylaugh:  :crylaugh:

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1.Who's dumb enough to think people haven't renewed season tickets because Pearson doesn't charm the fans?


2.What's your agenda? A need to talk nonsense?


3.What you're saying is complete bollocks, there is no way anything to do with Stringer will contribute to him being sacked, Stringer doesn't even have the influence to present him negatively in the papers.


4.He's just one radio reporter, it's not as if Pearson hasn't spoken to anyone. He's spoken to at least the BBC because I've seen that interview. The fans can fvcking watch that one if they're so desperate to hear textbook post match reaction.


5You're suggesting the fans/owners will just about put up with his managerial failings but not speaking to one reporter would push them over the edge lol


You're clearly doing your best to deliberately misunderstand the point so I'll type slowly for you.


1. noone. The point was that when you are in a situation where 40% of fans don't want you at the club then having a decent rapport with the media is important.


2. Not worth answering


3. NP coming across as a petulant child to 30,000 radio listeners does contribute to him keeping his job. They are an entertainment business. 4000 season tickets sold - half of expectation - this should be a period of charm offensive and motivating the fans to buy. A media savvy manager would know that and be helping the club, not ignoring the guy that holds the key to 30,000 customers everyday.


4. Great. One media outlet is informed. The one that reports on LCFC and plays his interviews every hour isn't informed. 


5. I'm suggesting that the cummulative effect of many things contribute to a decision. That's the bit you seem to not be able to understand. Some decision are more complex than "do you want fries with that?".


You can keep trying to make the point sound ridiculous but any sane business person knows that the manager they employ does more than one thing .... and you can tolerate an underperformance here or there if he's making up for it in others...... Maybe the small things will matter in the end.

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You're clearly doing your best to deliberately misunderstand the point so I'll type slowly for you.


1. noone. The point was that when you are in a situation where 40% of fans don't want you at the club then having a decent rapport with the media is important.


2. Not worth answering


3. NP coming across as a petulant child to 30,000 radio listeners does contribute to him keeping his job. They are an entertainment business. 4000 season tickets sold - half of expectation - this should be a period of charm offensive and motivating the fans to buy. A media savvy manager would know that and be helping the club, not ignoring the guy that holds the key to 30,000 customers everyday.


4. Great. One media outlet is informed. The one that reports on LCFC and plays his interviews every hour isn't informed. 


5. I'm suggesting that the cummulative effect of many things contribute to a decision. That's the bit you seem to not be able to understand. Some decision are more complex than "do you want fries with that?".


You can keep trying to make the point sound ridiculous but any sane business person knows that the manager they employ does more than one thing .... and you can tolerate an underperformance here or there if he's making up for it in others...... Maybe the small things will matter in the end.


I think you will find it is the other way round.


You do ramble on... who is your preffered choice for the next manager?


Yourself, seenitall and hackneyfox obviously have a problem with Pearson as person, because everything he has done so far has put the club in a better position than it has been for the last 10 years.

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Yes but I and presumably many others on here do not know you personally, therefore unless you can divulge precisely how you came across this information then I'm afraid it has no merit.

I know Dickov 22 personally and the info is correct.
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I think you will find it is the other way round.


You do ramble on... who is your preffered choice for the next manager?


Yourself, seenitall and hackneyfox obviously have a problem with Pearson as person, because everything he has done so far has put the club in a better position than it has been for the last 10 years.



Ramble on .... I merely replied to each of the ridiculous points that he made.


Of course the club is in a better position than in the last ten years ..... have you not noticed we have new owners that have spent more money than in our entire history?????


Despite that he failed.


I'd go for RDM or Girard. Simple enough answer??

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Ramble on .... I merely replied to each of the ridiculous points that he made.


Of course the club is in a better position than in the last ten years ..... have you not noticed we have new owners that have spent more money than in our entire history?????


Despite that he failed.


I'd go for RDM or Girard. Simple enough answer??


I think you will find that was Sven not Pearson.


RDM or Girard never going to happen, get real.

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I think you will find it is the other way round.


You do ramble on... who is your preffered choice for the next manager?


Yourself, seenitall and hackneyfox obviously have a problem with Pearson as person, because everything he has done so far has put the club in a better position than it has been for the last 10 years.

Are you very young or just of limited intelligence? No one cares about a managers personality - we have had some 'difficult' people as managers who have been winners and some lovely fellas who have sucked for us. Why does who NP is as a person matter remotely - it is his record as a manger over the past four years that is in question not his haircut.


As for being in the best position in 10 years we are still in the the Championship which unless I am mistaken is the same as we have been for 9 of the past 10 years, so what is better exactly? 

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You're clearly doing your best to deliberately misunderstand the point so I'll type slowly for you.


1. noone. The point was that when you are in a situation where 40% of fans don't want you at the club then having a decent rapport with the media is important.


2. Not worth answering


3. NP coming across as a petulant child to 30,000 radio listeners does contribute to him keeping his job. They are an entertainment business. 4000 season tickets sold - half of expectation - this should be a period of charm offensive and motivating the fans to buy. A media savvy manager would know that and be helping the club, not ignoring the guy that holds the key to 30,000 customers everyday.


4. Great. One media outlet is informed. The one that reports on LCFC and plays his interviews every hour isn't informed. 


5. I'm suggesting that the cummulative effect of many things contribute to a decision. That's the bit you seem to not be able to understand. Some decision are more complex than "do you want fries with that?".


You can keep trying to make the point sound ridiculous but any sane business person knows that the manager they employ does more than one thing .... and you can tolerate an underperformance here or there if he's making up for it in others...... Maybe the small things will matter in the end.

40%??? where did you get that crap from?

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