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Ranieri sacked

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He's gone. Let that sink in, digest it and move on . No amount of gum beating on here is going to change that. 


The rights or wrongs of his sacking are going to make no difference to our future, however keeping him as manager would undoubtedly have done so.  We as a club were heading for relegation no if's or buts with him in charge. The owners could see it and if truth be told so could the rest of us.


We now at least have a fighting chance to stop up.  so stop the post sacking silly analogies  and get behind the team the owners and the club and any new manager who comes in . Leicester till I die.

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5 minutes ago, daz*dsb said:

A shame it had to end this way but it's the right decision, without a doubt. If the players have stopped playing for him then it's the only solution. Otherwise we will get relegated and still have to change manager. 


Unfortunately Ranieri has done something that has managed to rattle the players and the backroom staff and his position became untenable. 


Hopefully we make a good appointment. 


I also find it weird that he didn't resign. Surely if the difference was missing out on a few quid the owners could have overlooked his contract, allowed him to resign with dignity and paid him off anyway. 


On the bright side my 12/1 next manager sacked came in so I'm £120 better off. 

£120 added to the claudio statue fund

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1 hour ago, cityfanlee23 said:

Has to be Hiddink, Mancini or Rowett

Why would anyone want to be a coach at such a back stabbing club? I mean come on. If they could sack RC who would they not get rid off? Its the equivalent of Utd sacking Ferguson imo.

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Just now, BlueSi13 said:

Who was also in the process of bombing us out the Premier League so fast we were on the verge of breaking the sound barrier...


We face severe financial turmoil if we are relegated.  It couldn't continue and a decision had to be made.


Players clearly didn't respect him by the sound of reports. If that is the case we are in much bigger trouble, we aren't getting a manager who deserves more respect than the man who just won them the league. This makes relegation more likely, we typically succeed with stability and falter on turmoil. 

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2 minutes ago, Will Loz said:

Why would anyone want to be a coach at such a back stabbing club? I mean come on. If they could sack RC who would they not get rid off? Its the equivalent of Utd sacking Ferguson imo.

Yes it works like that at loser clubs like Chelsea. Get in the real world. and are you seriously comparing Ranieri with Ferguson ? Clown.


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3 minutes ago, DJ Barry Hammond said:


Be interesting to know where you stand on the Wenger situation before quantifying this post ?


I am Wenger out but we are at different stages, the last thing I did (in 2005) was call for Wenger to be sacked or the 10 years after that but times have changed and personally I'd like to see a new manager come in.

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Sick of fans and pundits who have barely watched us this season telling us how we should feel. 
Its not the fact we might be relegated, it's the manner of which we are performing. 

I think there's a general feeling with some of them that we're a Championship club anyway

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As sad as feel for Ranieri, I can't help but feel a tad excited again.


I don't feel we can get much worse then we've been the last 3 months. Even last night the goal glossed over a largely 'lost' performance.


I don't feel we had anything to lose, apart from maybe the outsiders view of us. Which to be fair I couldn't give a fck about. 

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Just reading about his coach that also got sacked that we didnt need or hear of - Paolo Benetti



Claudio possibly want to choose his company better.




He was assistant to Claudio Ranieri as coach of Juventus .(CR Sacked) September 2, 2009 follows him to Rome (CR resigned after poor run) until 20 February 2011 and 22 September 2011 to ' Inter until March 26, 2012 (CR sacked) . The two have worked together well in Monaco (CR contract not renewed)  , in the Greek National (CR sacked) and Leicester City !!!



Not the same fitness coach but plausible.......





Claudio Ranieri has brought in just two staff members, assistant Paolo Benetti and sports scientist Andrea Azzalin. When Ranieri was at Chelsea, much of the resentment from players towards their Italian manager was generated by the distrust felt for his staff, especially his fitness coach Roberto Sassi, whom the squad regarded as “a little rat”, as Graeme Le Saux recalled in his autobiography.



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17 minutes ago, Chelve84 said:

Apparently it was shakey that led the revolt last night, with the team selection the major discussion. 

There was an image of Shaky last night a few minutes before kick off with his arms folded leaning against the dug out and looking totally disinterested or worse. Might make sense.

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24 minutes ago, egg_fried_rice said:

Christ alive, I think some of you have got genuine mental health problems the state of some of these reactions.


There is no one on this forum who would argue against the fact that Claudio is a legend, our greatest ever manager so far, and will deservedly go down in club folklore.


However, anyone with a working set of senses can see that we were destined for relegation the way things were going. The players were clearly not playing for him, and in some cases for each other. You can debate about the reasons why and who is to blame, but when the dressing room has been 'lost' which I think was self-evident, you can't, unfortunately, sack your entire playing staff, so you are left with only one other option.


His sacking is gut-wrenching, but the only decision that gives us the chance to stay in the premier league. Yes, relegation is not the end of the world, but it would set us back several years. The patronising comments from Carragher, Glendenning, Pat Murphy (mouthing off on 5live right now if anyone wants a hate-listen) et all are pathetic - like we don't deserve to have ambition or to see our club improve.


Did anyone really think we existed outside the 'modern football' bubble? Look at the contracts, the cars, the money the owners have put in. Our club will survive this, the nonsensical talk of shame and embarrassment will subside, and we now have a fighting chance of survival.


Thank you for everything Claudio. You're an absolute hero and I wish you all the best for the future. But I'm LTID, and this is the best decision for our football club.


Partly agree, but I don't think it increases our chances of staying in the league, arguably reduces them. If these players don't respect Claudio, who will they respect? Nobody we can realistically hire IMO. 


Also, the manner in which it was done and the timing of it is appalling, which is why people are reacting emotionally. The best decision for the club would have been to do this months ago, or after the season. Will have to wait to see who is appointed to see if it's a good decision or a bad one... but it doesn't look promising from where I'm sitting. 

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As ever with these decisions the jury is split - bit like Brexit - if you got what you wanted maybe shut up and be happy (and not too smug). If you think it's a wank decision then as the loser surely you can have a moan without some gloating bell end going on about what a good idea it is....

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