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Radio Leicester - Stringer

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If the guy can cheat on his wife while pregnant, and dump his wife and children to get a career then he can crap on anybody to get higher


You have just summed up Journalism in one sentence there my friend.


After doing a degree in it, i realised after about 30 seconds that if you want to get anywhere, you have to be prepared to stab anyone in the back. 

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You have just summed up Journalism in one sentence there my friend.


After doing a degree in it, i realised after about 30 seconds that if you want to get anywhere, you have to be prepared to stab anyone in the back.

But surely not the hand that feeds you? Which in essence our players and us the fans are keeping him in a job

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He's probably reached his level at local radio, if he wants to progress his career I guess shit-stirring and resorting to gutter press tactics his is only way of making a name for himself. The regulars on 5 Live are light years ahead of him when it comes to commentary.

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An embarrassment. Really wish he wasn't anywhere near the club.

Maybe Radio Leicester see the value in giving airtime to somebody that people love to hate. Controversial radio personalities are a pretty viable and widely used way of generating interest in your station.


Although I wouldn't put Stringer's antics in the same boat as some of the people mentioned in the above wikipedia article about shock jocks. It might explain why RL keep him on the air. It winds people up and keeps them tuning in/talking about it.

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Who would RL replace him with?


God knows but there HAS to be better out there. From a listening point of view I was prepared to give him another chance this year but he's being a cvnt already with his blatant agenda driven presentation.


He was pushing the Japanese bloke all the way to try and get him to add fuel to the fire but he barely even dripped any in.


He is not a Leicester fan. He's a shit-stirrer who puts getting a scoop over 'his' club. I've no time for him.

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You have just summed up Journalism in one sentence there my friend.


After doing a degree in it, i realised after about 30 seconds that if you want to get anywhere, you have to be prepared to stab anyone in the back. 


Rubbish. You can progress in journalism with as little talent as me if you work hard, network and keep believing - and without stabbing anyone in the back.

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Alright, so I've listened to it up to Tom and don't have any intention of carrying on past that. My thought, it was a very awkward performance by stringer. I don't think he has an agenda towards Vardy because he has no reason too, but that interview with the Japanese fellow was really awkward and I felt bad for the Japanese fellow, it's quite hilarious really that Stringer's interviews are as prickly as Nige's have been in the past. Stringer made far too much of a song and dance that he isn't a racist and will only refer to it as the incident, which is fine but he repeated it more than once and kept trying to hammer in the point that he wasn't racist, which just came off as disingenuous.

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Rubbish. You can progress in journalism with as little talent as me if you work hard, network and keep believing - and without stabbing anyone in the back.


No offence meant Geoff. Got a lot of time for you after way you have gave us insight on everything on here over the years.


But in the generation i have grew up in, the only ones i know from my course that went into that field are all of the same ilk as 90% of the people i got lectured by and who i see on a day to day basis in the field. People like Ian Stringer do nothing but confirm it to me. 

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On the point of the forum tonight, Ian Stringer was an absolute joke.


This is no longer the immature lad who had some endearing qualities when he first joined because he seemed young and exciting compared to the poor standard we had before. Now we are left with a man so far up his own arse that its quite scary.


I have spoken to numerous people from Radio Leicester over the past few years, some only for a few minutes. Yet they have all mentioned his name, and none have a good word to say about him. The general feedback seems to be that he would never take advice off anyone, thinks hes better than anyone around him, would stab anyone in the back (as proved by the dumping of his pregnant wife) and generally is a bit of a twat. Even lads i know who have played five a side with him think hes a nobhead!


The forum last night was another example of, if you have done anything to upset Stringer in the past (in this case Vardy is amongst the playing staff not speaking to him) then he will do his utmost to cause a wave of unprecidented criticism for you. Whether he does it by getting regulars in that they know have his same agena (like he did with pearson every week) or whether he does it by constantly dropping in subtle remarks amongst carefully picked callers to get his agenda across.


He will hold a grudge, he wont be impartial, and he is optimises everything that the BBC claims it isnt. (by the way how does he justify being impartial when he responds to a caller last night by saying "i totally disagree mate". The man is a willy puller. 

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Rubbish. You can progress in journalism with as little talent as me if you work hard, network and keep believing - and without stabbing anyone in the back.

Out of interest, is the general consensus on this forum regarding Stringer reflective of his peers in the wider media? I would of thought his conduct is potentially damaging to the profession.

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Are Stringer's interviews and phone-ins totally off the top of his head or does he receive some pre-show 'guidance' or prepping from some BBC producer or something?

I can't see Stringer accepting any guidance, but if he is then BBC RL really does have problems up the line.

As a former line manager, I used to ask individuals if they thought they added value to the business and how, and also if they considered themselves good ambassadors for the business, networking etc. Looking at Stringer's antics and behaviour, you have to say he adds no value to RL and is a poor advert for the business. He can only be surviving because how he acts is in line with the culture of the BBC who don't care one jot for the consumer.


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Guest MattP

Someone really does need to put him out of his misery.

I can imagine him deep down wanting us to lose so he gets more listeners, moaners and controversy.

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Shame Geoff Peters doesn't fancy it, however would he feel it being a step backwards seeing as he currently works on talksport. 


He definitely does want it, hence why he's been shit stirring for the last 12 months on Stringer.


Lead on local radio or bit part player at national not really a step backwards.

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Rubbish. You can progress in journalism with as little talent as me if you work hard, network and keep believing - and without stabbing anyone in the back.


Oooo here's Geoff on the Ian Stringer thread again.....he definitely definitely doesn't want the job and has the utmost respect for Ian Stringer.


It's worse that Kevin Bloody Pietersen.

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