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36 minutes ago, foxfanazer said:

Been in the darkest place I've even been in the past couple of months. Have no idea how I'm still here to be perfectly honest but I finally made the call to the doctors yesterday to try and at least have a go at getting better. I'm sceptical but I owe to my kids to try

Yes you do mate.

Keep plugging away.

Imagine what youd leave behind.

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1 hour ago, foxfanazer said:

Been in the darkest place I've even been in the past couple of months. Have no idea how I'm still here to be perfectly honest but I finally made the call to the doctors yesterday to try and at least have a go at getting better. I'm sceptical but I owe to my kids to try

Hang tight mate.


Taking that first step and asking for help is the hardest one, but hopefully it will be the start of better things to come for you.

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2 hours ago, foxfanazer said:

Been in the darkest place I've even been in the past couple of months. Have no idea how I'm still here to be perfectly honest but I finally made the call to the doctors yesterday to try and at least have a go at getting better. I'm sceptical but I owe to my kids to try

I'm really glad you've reached out to your GP, don't forget we're all here for you too. Many of us are happy to chat, via DM if you prefer. Please don't feel alone though x

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3 hours ago, foxfanazer said:

Been in the darkest place I've even been in the past couple of months. Have no idea how I'm still here to be perfectly honest but I finally made the call to the doctors yesterday to try and at least have a go at getting better. I'm sceptical but I owe to my kids to try

Please don't be sceptical about your chances of recovery.  There are many who post here who have suffered depression and recovered.  You've made a good move in seeking medical intervention - sometimes we can't recover without the assistance of medication (it definitely was a great help to me).  And many severely depressed individuals don't want to die, they just want to be well again - this illness drains the strength to resist desperation.  People can help as well as medication, if only to put problems into perspective.  Please don't be afraid to share with loved ones or friends, or post your thoughts here where a group of people who may have been through similar problems could be able to help in some small way.  When I was low I tried to imagine what I'd say to a friend who confided in me that he felt like I was feeling.  I always found myself being more positive - there was no way that I'd say to a friend what my inner voice was telling me about myself.  Hang on in there, the future is worth having.

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I hope the thread shows you that you are not alone its easy, to think you are different to the entire world its not the sort of thing to slip in to a chat at work without feeling awkward you know" did you watch corrie last night, arent Arsenal rubbish, how many times a week do you think about ending it" its not an easy conversation to have with your partner, i can say the Samaritans are great and will just listen  without being judgemental and of course you can be anonymous.

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8 hours ago, Buce said:


If it's not too intrusive to ask, what are your reasons for drinking?


I think identifying that is the key to stopping.

I agree but the problem is also resolving the reason. If it can't be resolved long term, the self medicating by alcohol, drugs, overdoing anything, whatever it might be will continue and could result in self destruction. Massive self control is required, IMO, and that's not easy to come by at a time where you are at your lowest. Finding support is very important so that one doesn't feel alone in the struggle and you're not if you reach out. Believe me there are so many others struggling. I've been one of them and I feel on the edge of falling back most of the time. I identified the reason for my drinking (work, mainly) but it took willpower to reign it back. Now I drink but I can stop.

Edited by Parafox
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As the old joke goes the first sign of madness is hairs on the palms  your hands the second is looking for them. You have taken the first step you know you need some help even if its just ringing someone for a chat.

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1 hour ago, foxfanazer said:

Feel like I've lost


I know it can feel like its finally beat you mate but one deep breath at a time when it starts to overwhelm.


I understand its dark outside but its a lovely night out and I've always stood by the major thing that really saved me was fresh air, no matter what the time, just get out for 10 20 30 minutes if you are able tonight for a walk.


Talking I found to be the other factor that took so much weight off my shoulders and obviously goes without saying, here anytime if you want to message or just wanna put the world to rights by having a natter.


Stay safe brother, people are here

Edited by EastAnglianFox
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I've found drinking the hardest thing to stop. 


It's such an easy way to self medicate but is so detrimental to your mental health.


I went to speak to someone about it and there were some things that they said which have helped. It's not easy but I'm trying.


Good luck to everyone struggling out there.


Always seek the help you need because people would rather listen to you than attend your funeral 

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14 hours ago, foxfanazer said:

Feel like I've lost

You haven't lost.  You're still there for your family.  When I was at my lowest one image that kept me going was that of my children at my funeral thinking that Daddy hadn't wanted to look after them any more.  You can get through this for them and for yourself, get all the help you can because it's a hard road, but the destination is worth it.  One day you'll look back with pride at having gone through the suffering and seen your children safely mature into adults under your care.

Edited by Crinklyfox
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14 hours ago, Strokes said:

I lost a friend to suicide this week, I only spoke with him on Saturday and I had no idea he was suffering at all.

Please, if you’re not well and feeling like shit, reach out. We don’t want to lose you too.



I'm really sorry to hear this, take care of yourself x

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16 hours ago, Strokes said:

I lost a friend to suicide this week, I only spoke with him on Saturday and I had no idea he was suffering at all.

Please, if you’re not well and feeling like shit, reach out. We don’t want to lose you too.



Gutted for you Strokes. My heart goes out to you, his family and everyone affected.

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