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Ranieri OUT

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14 minutes ago, ttfn said:

Fed up with being lectured about being a "bad supporter" or "everything that is wrong with modern football" for wanting to do something - anything - to arrest my club's nosedive.


A message for other clubs' fans reading this - none of us expected another league title. All we want is a team to be proud of and failing that a team with basic levels of professional competence.


We've been absolutely woeful in about 80% of our games this season. We've scored one league goal since Christmas. We're the worst team to watch in the league by a country mile.


Yet we still get a full house every week, the atmosphere was excellent in the first half (all things considered) and yet we still get absolutely nothing back from the players and empty platitudes from the manager.


Yes, last year was a beautiful aberration but our football club cannot be frozen at that moment in time.



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12 minutes ago, Kitchandro said:

With all due respect, this is not really relevant to the situation. The club is not that minute that it couldn't build on our success last season. Unfortunately a lot of people seem to be under the impression that last season was about luck. It wasn't, it was about the club doing all the right things with the tools they had at their disposal.


What the club's natural place is is neither here nor there - the point is we won the league at a canter last season and were in a great position to maintain a high position in the league (not top, but certainly top 7), strengthen the squad with some shrewd, ambitious signings, and continue to play football with an entertaining and efficient philosophy. Make no mistake, that has all gone completely out the window now and that can only be put down to gross mismanagement by the club.


This isn't a dig at Ranieri specifically - I've stated numerous times that I do not agree with him shouldering the blame for this season alone and that he deserves a lot more respect than some people are giving him for his achievements last season. But the club as a whole has utterly fvcked up this season and it is not enough to say we're a 'mediocre club' as if we've not done anything wrong. We've done lots wrong, that's the reason why a team regresses so badly, so quickly.


We're also a proud club who have good crowds at home and away and we certainly expect better than we're being served up this season, regardless of last. 


I do agree with your general point that in many ways it would feel very wrong to sack Claudio, and that people shouldn't turn on him when times get tough (and I include the players in that). But I will not accept that we shouldn't demand more. Some of the performances this season wouldn't have been good enough if we were in League 1 and playing a cup tie against a Premiership team.

Top post! I think I'll copy and paste this for anything I need to say on the mess we are currently in lol

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I think people need to realise you can think Ranieri should leave and still be eternally grateful for what he did last season.


This season however, he has become the exact happy-go-unlucky fool that media predicted he would be for us last season. I hope he leaves or is made to leave before it's too late and he relegates the champions. I don't buy for a second that he is actually happy with these performances, but what is evident is that he can't change it. I'd love nothing more for him to turn this around but does anybody really think that's going to happen? Do they think he can do it? Stranger things have happened, but all signs point to the Championship. I finally lost faith in him after Southampton and nothing has changed since. In fact, it's confirmed all the thoughts I had.


Do people really want to idly watch us by relegated without a fight, just so that we're not seen as some heartless club?


You're not the man to get us out of danger, but thank you for everything Claudio. 

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4 minutes ago, Bunyip said:

If this season proves anything it's that last season's success did not really have a lot to do with Ranieri. He took over a team on a roll and on the up, it picked itself. This season has been a disaster from the start and made the worse for his tactics and the players he chooses , not to mention the baffling subs. the truth is he has been found out and the players know it.

Slightly unfair comment as CR did bring a lot to the team too in regards to protecting the players, utilising the players we had - Counter Attack for Vardys pace, freedoms for Mahrez etc and his game management was a lot better last season making some good decisions that either changed a game or helped us see out the result. 


I understand the statement though as the team was clearly on a high from the great escape and the team and the team also picked itself with predictable subs. 


As you said though, we have been found out and CR is unable to find a solution and this to me is why he should go. The results are poor, the morale in the squad looks at an all time low and he is having no impact with tactics, selection or subs. Personally I still feel Walshys precense in the dressing room has had a big effect to the squad, but that's opening up another can of worms :ph34r:

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Just now, Bob Weasel Fox said:

This times 10 billion

It's a shame that it's not practical..meaning that getting rid of the manager is the only practical way to avoid relegation if the players aren't playing for him.


It's sad because Ranieri made their careers. To treat him this way is an insult and they should feel ****ing ashamed of themselves (bar about three players).


I'd sack the lot apart from three of them if it was practical.  

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1 minute ago, EGBFitness said:

Slightly unfair comment as CR did bring a lot to the team too in regards to protecting the players, utilising the players we had - Counter Attack for Vardys pace, freedoms for Mahrez etc and his game management was a lot better last season making some good decisions that either changed a game or helped us see out the result. 


I understand the statement though as the team was clearly on a high from the great escape and the team and the team also picked itself with predictable subs. 


As you said though, we have been found out and CR is unable to find a solution and this to me is why he should go. The results are poor, the morale in the squad looks at an all time low and he is having no impact with tactics, selection or subs. Personally I still feel Walshys precense in the dressing room has had a big effect to the squad, but that's opening up another can of worms :ph34r:

Yes i was being unfair. I suppose it's just all the anger at being let down so much after last season . My apology.

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4 minutes ago, EGBFitness said:

And what if we are still in FA Cup, beat Swansea but back to same performances again from Sevilla/Liverpool? 


Agree with attack needing to come under criticism too - as a whole side we are failing though, oppositions are allowed 60% of possession, 15+ attempts at goal and spend around 3/4 of a game in our half - errors in defence are going to happen when a team dominate a game this much and little opportunities for us to score too


Then fine. Sevilla could well make us look stupid but the fact we are even in the last 16 of the CL is an utter luxury as every passing week reminds me, Liverpool is dependant on whether they manage to to turn their form around but even you've got to take it for what it is. It's the hull game I'd be more concerned with. 


It's hard, people say ask yourself had he not won the league would he still be here, I think you've equally got to say if he hadn't won the league would he be under so much pressure.....and for me it's starting to get the stage where you'd say probably but I'd be loathed to sack him off the back of a defeat to a team in the top 6.

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Fuchs - Shit

Huth & Morgan - Useless

Simpson - Footballing brain of an 8 year old.


Mahrez - Already left the club in his head.

Musa - Is this guy even a footballer?

Drinkwater - Dog shit

Ndidi - poor lad, what has he done to his career.


Vardy - Useless arrogant cock

Okazaki - foooooooking shit!



So yeah, heres my professional judgement of the squd thats lead us to the championship.

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How can someone support a manager for everything achieved last season but suggest all the players should be sacked when they had just as much of a role (if not more) to the success of last season? 


If a player isnt performaning they get dropped, it's as simple as that - if a player isn't performing and constantly players, that's the managers fault. 


Yes the players aren't performing but it's the manager that's selecting them, the club have spent over £100m - yes we have failed to strengthen/sign some players but the club has backed CR, it's not like we're a selling club like Southampton and CR has been left looking for bargains/youth. 


We have been found found out by opposition and have failed to set up differently in an effective way, that once again is CR fault. 


Soon as we concede we just crumble, last season CR was praised how his management was with the side, why now it's going wrong is its the players fault!? It's a manager who motivates the players. 

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Sorry he should have gone before Christmas.I'm fed up with fans saying look what he done for us last season but that was last season.

This club should have been aiming for at least top 10 and maybe mid table.

Last season the team practicality picked itself so ranieri has been found out by to much tinkering.

The recruitment has been so bad it's beyond belief.look at Tuesdays deadline,1 bleeding transfer all day.all of the targets that we were after should have been sorted out weeks ago and not left to the last day.

Sorry but the owners have to give ranieri his P45 and also Rudkin.

Today was nearly the first time I was ready to leave with 20 minutes to go because it was so bad.

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3 minutes ago, adejo92 said:

Fuchs - Shit

Huth & Morgan - Useless

Simpson - Footballing brain of an 8 year old.


Mahrez - Already left the club in his head.

Musa - Is this guy even a footballer?

Drinkwater - Dog shit

Ndidi - poor lad, what has he done to his career.


Vardy - Useless arrogant cock

Okazaki - foooooooking shit!



So yeah, heres my professional judgement of the squd thats lead us to the championship.

Awesome summary and totally agree. Only one who has any heart is KAsper

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Just now, m4DD0gg said:

Awesome summary and totally agree. Only one who has any heart is KAsper

Sometimes its best to keep it simple hey! Yeah Kasper survived my butchers opinion.


We are just a team made up of rejects and has beens and if im being honest i hope most of them leave so we stand a chance of actually surviving the championship.

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2 minutes ago, m4DD0gg said:

CR reminds me of one of those little old men you see in tesco with a little basket of shopping and just totally lost and bewildered.


Its so sad i actually feel sorry for him,.

Yes I am a little old twat in tesco and I still realise cr is a twat and has been lucky enough to cop on to Pearson's infrastructure and slowly destroy it,

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8 minutes ago, adejo92 said:

Fuchs - Shit

Huth & Morgan - Useless

Simpson - Footballing brain of an 8 year old.


Mahrez - Already left the club in his head.

Musa - Is this guy even a footballer?

Drinkwater - Dog shit

Ndidi - poor lad, what has he done to his career.


Vardy - Useless arrogant cock

Okazaki - foooooooking shit!



So yeah, heres my professional judgement of the squd thats lead us to the championship.

The rest of this post is spot on but your comments regarding Simpson are genuinely offensive to an 8 year old. 

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56 minutes ago, turtle2000 said:

Not a Leicester fan (so sue me), but I looked at this site to see if it was actually true that some Foxes supporters are in favour of the club sacking Ranieri. Didn't think it could possibly be true, but seems that it is.


With apologies to those many, many supporters with reasonable attitudes (that owners should come out in support of Ranieri, there needs to be more clarity, there needs to be a change of tactics etc etc), those of you calling for Ranieri to be sacked are the most miserable, deluded, fairweather fans football has ever seen.


Reality check:

(1) Leicester is a mediocre team (I support Swansea, I know about mediocre teams) that is precisely where it should be this season - the lower reaches of the Premiership. That's the club's natural place; it's obviously never going to be a top 6 club. 

(2) Somehow, by some sublime alchemy, last season, YOU WON THE ****ING PREMIER LEAGUE. 


(4) That achievement lies somewhere among the most remarkable football stories of all time - probably in the top ten. Have Granada ever won La Liga? Offenheim the Bundesliga? Of course they haven't. Teams like Leicester City simply don't win national championships, let alone the richest national championship in the world. 

(5) Nothing remotely that good will ever happen to Leicester City again. Ever, ever again.


Rather than marvelling at this, and basking in the glory of it and looking forward to a Champions' League (YES. CHAMPIONS' LEAGUE. A COMPETITION YOU WILL NEVER BE IN AGAIN) second round tie against Sevilla, and appreciating the fact that you are now an incredibly well-liked club, youse lot are talking about sacking the guy who made the miracle possible.


If you sack Claudio Ranieri, you will not only tarnish last season's achievement within Leicester City FC, but your reputation outside in the wider world of football will go from one of the most beloved teams in the land (hard to remember any team that has enjoyed the general goodwill Leicester have had since last season) to the most hated club in Britain. The most soulless, least grateful, most vilified.


Enjoy the miracle that has happened to Leicester City. Who gives a sh*t if you play Championship football next season? It's just football. Last season you were witness to a biblical miracle, way beyond 'just football'.


Jesus wept. Ffs, you have a great club, don't ruin it.



Sorry mate, we don't have to, nor should we accept mediocrity like Swansea. Off you pop. 

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20 minutes ago, Manwell Pablo said:


Then fine. Sevilla could well make us look stupid but the fact we are even in the last 16 of the CL is an utter luxury as every passing week reminds me, Liverpool is dependant on whether they manage to to turn their form around but even you've got to take it for what it is. It's the hull game I'd be more concerned with. 


It's hard, people say ask yourself had he not won the league would he still be here, I think you've equally got to say if he hadn't won the league would he be under so much pressure.....and for me it's starting to get the stage where you'd say probably but I'd be loathed to sack him off the back of a defeat to a team in the top 6.

It is literally incredible to even think of this team in the last 16 of the Champs League. None of us will forget the 2015/2016 season but it feels like a million years ago.

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13 minutes ago, Manwell Pablo said:


Then fine. Sevilla could well make us look stupid but the fact we are even in the last 16 of the CL is an utter luxury as every passing week reminds me, Liverpool is dependant on whether they manage to to turn their form around but even you've got to take it for what it is. It's the hull game I'd be more concerned with. 


It's hard, people say ask yourself had he not won the league would he still be here, I think you've equally got to say if he hadn't won the league would he be under so much pressure.....and for me it's starting to get the stage where you'd say probably but I'd be loathed to sack him off the back of a defeat to a team in the top 6.

I just wondered out of curiosity really as wasn't sure how mood can change week to week. I for sure hope we can turn things around (looking unlikely) but should fully expect to beat Derby really but if we beat Swansea it will only reduce the pressure for him to go rather than believe he should stay - some good performance and consistency with results and he should stay but looking very unlikely of even scoring let alone winning a game at the minute. 


The champions league is a dream but is starting to feel like it could become unpleasant viewing rather than enjoying the moment and wondering how far we can actually go at the minute. 


Liverpool can be hit and miss but are currently on a shocking run themselves, to say sack/resign after losing to a top 6 side seems unfair but in consideration to everything we've witnessed the last 2 months the line needs to be drawn somewhere or else there can be an excuse for anything and everything. 


Last seasons success is a strange one, one way of looking at it could be suggesting he has become victim of his own success or flip side is last seasons success has granted him more time? How many managers have we had that have probably gone on as bad of a run/performances as this season and still have decent backing from fans? 

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22 minutes ago, adejo92 said:

Fuchs - Shit

Huth & Morgan - Useless

Simpson - Footballing brain of an 8 year old.


Mahrez - Already left the club in his head.

Musa - Is this guy even a footballer?

Drinkwater - Dog shit

Ndidi - poor lad, what has he done to his career.


Vardy - Useless arrogant cock

Okazaki - foooooooking shit!



So yeah, heres my professional judgement of the squd thats lead us to the championship.

Wes Morgan plays like he is towing a caravan

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