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Israeli and Palestinian conflict

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21 minutes ago, Trav Le Bleu said:

Hollywood movie: bad guy hides behind an innocent passerby, so good guy can't take the shot.


Reality: bad guy hides amongst 100s of innocents... Meh.


I’m  absolutely sure  that Hamas would be callous enough to fire rockets at Israeli targets  from  a hospital. I’m also sure that Israel will see the the hospital as a legitimate target because of that. And they will blame Hamas for it.



But I just don’t buy it.


for the most part Hamas’ rockets are largely ineffectual and it’s just plain heartless for Israel to just flick a switch and kill the already sick and intern in a hospital. 

start the ground offensive and go for the Hamas troops.  But you are going to lose remnant of support for your cause if you start going after hospitals.

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3 minutes ago, Lionator said:

Anyone more knowledgable than me, but what's stopping a resolution that involves a UN peacekeeping mission?

I think the exact answer to that depends on how cynical one's view of international relations and how much face means more than actual human lives is.

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4 minutes ago, Lionator said:

Anyone more knowledgable than me, but what's stopping a resolution that involves a UN peacekeeping mission?

A peace keeping force wouldn't work as Palestinians wouldn't accept it and they would see it as further occupation. We've seen in places like Lebanon in the past that foreign troops and peacekeepers would be attacked. Palestinians and Arabs see any peacekeeping force as pro Israel. Bombing hospitals is a war crime but Hamas use hospitals and other buildings and Hamas merge with the civilian population making it difficult to target without major collateral damage and deaths of Palestinian civilians.

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If it wasn't Israel I do hope they can get the evidence out soon. Their embassy in Jordan has violent protests outside. Mass crowds are gathering outside their Turkish embassy. I really worry for the hostages Hamas have currently. And for other Israeli's around the world.


When they deny things people will think of occasions like the journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. First they blamed Palestinians for killing her, then 'she might have got caught in the crossfire' and then investigations found she'd been shot in the head by an IDF sniper whilst wearing a Press jacket.


I've seen videos circulating but hard to know what is real. On twitter you see one, then people underneath saying it's an old video or debunk it. If there is iron clad proof hopefully Israel gets it out quickly and clearly - officially.

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This whole situation is a giant mess, I’ve been disgusted by the governments and media in the west in their largely one sided, bias reporting, the BBC now taking a kicking for refusing to call Hamas terrorists, which is literally the point of neutral journalism to not take sides. 

Just as the BBC are not calling previous terrorist attacks from Israel prior to the Hamas attack “terrorism” 


The bloodthirst of the west is damning. Don’t get me wrong for a second, the world would be a better place with Hamas gone in my opinion, but right now the media and west are essentially giving Israel the green light to just destroy everyone and anything. 

One of Israel’s top politicians even admitted they are going for “damage not accuracy” 

That does stray from the “official” Israeli government line of “targeting” Hamas, but the evidence shows they are going for damage. You cannot target Hamas by dropping tens of thousands of bombs on an area densely packed with innocent people. 

There has also been a very big myth floating around that Hamas were voted for by these innocent people, correct me if I’m wrong but the “vote” for Hamas was in the 2006 election, and Hamas and Fattah went into power sharing negotiation over Gaza (which failed) and resulted in Hamas taking Gaza by FORCE. Not by vote. Then consider half the population of Gaza are children that didn’t have the ability to vote in 2006 and this myth is very damaging. 

In 2019 I think it was, There was a peaceful protest to the occupation where Hamas never fired a single bullet, and Israel attacked the peaceful protest killing hundreds of people. 

There are reports that *appear* to have been proven by human rights organisations of white phosphorus being used, which in the context of how it’s being used looks to be a war crime (it can be used legally for marking for example but it’s not being used this way) 

My understanding of this is that Hamas have even previously said that a 2 state solution is viable if they go back to 1967 lines, but their justification for continuing this war is that those lines are occupied by Israel. 

The ICJ have said themselves that Israel is illegally occupying the region. Hamas are a disgusting vile cult and the world would be best rid of them, but the justification for war crimes, occupation, and slaughter of innocent children is just as reprehensible. 

The long and complex history of this region with crimes from both sides spanning thousands of years, and 70+ in its current iteration is being completely swept under the carpet, in my opinion in the hopes Israel can go in, wipe out Hamas, force regime change to a more westernised puppet government. That’s the only reason I can think of that this is all being ignored for. 

I won’t for a moment pretend I know everything on this subject and I’m more than happy to be corrected as it’s important to know the truth, but right now from my understanding of this situation, the bias has been incredibly blatant from our government/most of our media. 

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I shot an NPC by accident in Starfield and copped a world of shit so I can empathise with what Israel is about to face…especially if they try taking off in a space ship. Honestly, space is a very unforgiving place. I can only hope Netanyahu managed to make a save first before shelling the hospital so he can reload and do over. Failing that, I suggest he hits the tilde key and goes for some cheat modes.

No, I absolutely have not had a cheeky Tuesday rum. How dare you.  

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2 hours ago, martyn said:

Not sure any verification of who was responsible makes much difference now. Each side will believe what it wants to believe.

But it’s likely one side could be telling porkies, even if they publicly point the finger..

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Like all wars, innocent civilians in the wrong place, at the wrong time will ultimately pay the sacrifice.


I don’t profess to be an expert on Gaza, Palenstine, The Westbank, Middle East or Israel, however what did the world expect after Hamas crossed the border and murdered a load of civilians. I was expecting an even more brutal response than what we’ve seen so far to be honest. 

War is unpretty and fortunately we’ve largely lived through a time that hasn’t had many  on our continent.

Eastern Europe has always been semi volatile since WW2, be in Cyprus / Greece / Turkey, Old Yugoslavian states, Ukraine / Russia etc


The world is a changing place and history that was once written by the victor, is now a social media propaganda machine, orchestrated by war mongering individuals unfortunately. 

The tragic loss of life, of innocent people is truly a tragedy but war never changes. 

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