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8 weeks on Citalopram and all had been going swimmingly however in the past few days I've hit a bit of a brick wall. Anxiety attacks are returning worse than before and my dreams are super weird, to the point where I'm not getting decent sleep. I'm on a very small dose (10mg) so I'm thinking that maybe it'd be useful to see the doctor and get it upped to the next dose but obviously I'm not sure whether this is just a blip.

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Just now, Lionator said:

8 weeks on Citalopram and all had been going swimmingly however in the past few days I've hit a bit of a brick wall. Anxiety attacks are returning worse than before and my dreams are super weird, to the point where I'm not getting decent sleep. I'm on a very small dose (10mg) so I'm thinking that maybe it'd be useful to see the doctor and get it upped to the next dose but obviously I'm not sure whether this is just a blip.

I moved upto 20mg recently and have been better for that. Similar things on 10mg for me with broken sleep etc, increased anxiety.

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Has anyone thought of or ever shut off from social media? 


With the exception of FT of course as it's pretty anonymous, I'm thinking of deactivating/logging out of all my accounts; facebook, Twitter, instagram, snapchat etc.


I just feel I can't move on with my life. I can't wake up and see things for what they are. It's been mental health but now my physical health is going down tje drain and recently had a couple of health scares. I see snaps of friends and people from uni and then reflect how bad mine is. In my mind I sometimes feel so deluded about my own life, I'm putting posts up always as if to prove its something else, how amazing it is. When in reality I need time away and wholesale changes to my lifestyle to get out of this rut.


Social media is a daily part of my routine. I just think some time away to truly reflect on the things most important in my life and to focus on my health would be a good thing right now. Those close ones who want to contact me will have my number anyway.


But of course still feeling apprehensive about it. Was just wondering if it helped anyone else? 

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Me and the mrs deleted our Facebook accounts like 4 years ago or so. Never had twitter or instagram.


Its fantastic. We dont get invited to many things because people are to effing lazy to call anyone anymore for get togethers. Then when people do see us and ask why we never came. "we dont have facebook and you didn't call". 


Its great not having to waste precious time on that shite. Only foxestalk of course.

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After waking this morning and feeling pretty low I've managed to get myself out of it. All I've done is visit the jokes thread on here and read the last three pages.


So next time I feel like it im going to start and read it from page one.

Many thanks to the posters on the joke thread for cheering me up.





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On 10/12/2017 at 03:04, Jattdogg said:

Me and the mrs deleted our Facebook accounts like 4 years ago or so. Never had twitter or instagram.


Its fantastic. We dont get invited to many things because people are to effing lazy to call anyone anymore for get togethers. Then when people do see us and ask why we never came. "we dont have facebook and you didn't call". 


Its great not having to waste precious time on that shite. Only foxestalk of course.

I quickly grew tired of the feed on Facebook. For years I've primarily only used the messenger function. Occasionally it's practical with groups to coordinate stuff with people easier as, like you say, people hardly call anymore.

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I deactivated my Facebook last year and honestly, it was one of the better decisions I've made recently. Of course, the first few weeks are difficult but once you unlearn all of those bad habits, it's easy and I really don't miss it. I never really participated in it myself, in terms of posting stuff and the like - but the amount of utter sh*te I used to see friends post on there was the last straw for me.

I use Twitter occasionally, but mainly only for news, links to articles that I'd be interested in reading etc. 

I think it was Karl Pilkington that said "Everyone is living for everyone else now. They're doing stuff so they can tell other people about it." That sums it up pretty well for me now, people live through their camera / social media rather than actually 'experiencing' and engaging with life. 


I'm someone who's pretty much bipolar and has struggles with my mental health, and I agree that social media can be very unhealthy - especially for kids. I often wonder if or how the internet is damaging people. We're probably still not far enough down the line to understand the impacts of it all yet.

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On ‎09‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 14:11, Lionator said:

8 weeks on Citalopram and all had been going swimmingly however in the past few days I've hit a bit of a brick wall. Anxiety attacks are returning worse than before and my dreams are super weird, to the point where I'm not getting decent sleep. I'm on a very small dose (10mg) so I'm thinking that maybe it'd be useful to see the doctor and get it upped to the next dose but obviously I'm not sure whether this is just a blip.

I've been on Citalopram for some years now, but it's effectiveness has certainly decreased.

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50 minutes ago, HighPeakFox said:

Just seen this thread. Some of you guys are very brave indeed, and your honesty has made me feel slightly less lonely & alone. I wish everyone here nothing but the best.

Brave post in itself mate. Don't hesitate to talk to us if you ever need

Edited by TK95
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I could never have understood before it happened to me, it started with anxiety then panic attacks and now I’m just stuck in a rut. I can’t explain why I feel like this. I feel like a burden to everyone, I cry everyday, I get wound up by things I shouldn’t. I over-criticise myself on everything and can’t do anything about it. I feel like an empty shell of who I used to be. 

I’ve told a few people but I still lie to the extent of how affected I am at the moment. I still find it relatively easy to put another face to show everyone but it’s becoming more and more exhausting. I’ve started to seek help with my GP and am undergoing CBT. I know things will get better but I am at rock bottom right now.

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I see social media as comparing your life to others etc; and you potentially certainly can feel bad about yourself if you see photos of past friends etc enjoying their lives whilst in the present moment you are, on the other hand, having a low/rubbish moment in life.

I feel that children and teenagers should be advised to use these channels of communication as less as possible, as they'd be likely to follow a bad habit in the above - and that could be damaging, particularly to their self-esteem at a very young age.


What annoys me are the individuals who constantly take selfies of themselves or their close friends, as if they're looking for some brownie points to boost their own egos much further and thinking that no one is better than them in general.

Edited by Wymeswold fox
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4 hours ago, anotherharboroughfox said:

I could never have understood before it happened to me, it started with anxiety then panic attacks and now I’m just stuck in a rut. I can’t explain why I feel like this. I feel like a burden to everyone, I cry everyday, I get wound up by things I shouldn’t. I over-criticise myself on everything and can’t do anything about it. I feel like an empty shell of who I used to be. 

I’ve told a few people but I still lie to the extent of how affected I am at the moment. I still find it relatively easy to put another face to show everyone but it’s becoming more and more exhausting. I’ve started to seek help with my GP and am undergoing CBT. I know things will get better but I am at rock bottom right now.

Good that you are getting help. That's a positive start. Something I haven't done myself.


Good luck.

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8 hours ago, anotherharboroughfox said:

I could never have understood before it happened to me, it started with anxiety then panic attacks and now I’m just stuck in a rut. I can’t explain why I feel like this. I feel like a burden to everyone, I cry everyday, I get wound up by things I shouldn’t. I over-criticise myself on everything and can’t do anything about it. I feel like an empty shell of who I used to be. 

I’ve told a few people but I still lie to the extent of how affected I am at the moment. I still find it relatively easy to put another face to show everyone but it’s becoming more and more exhausting. I’ve started to seek help with my GP and am undergoing CBT. I know things will get better but I am at rock bottom right now.

Once you get a little way with CBT you should be able to do something about your self-criticism.  There is nothing wrong with having high expectations of yourself, self-criticism is one mechanism that makes you dissatisfied with your current situation and want to improve.  As such it's basically a healthy reaction but there is such a situation as too much of a good thing.  Ask yourself honestly if it is realistic for you to make the demands on yourself that you do.  If a friend told you that they were experiencing the same issues you would most likely not berate them for failing to achieve the ideals they have set but praise them for striving to attain those ideals.  And like it or not we are all human and have good times when life seems easy a bad times when it seems unacceptable.  In the bad times we can benefit from help, which could be emotional support from friends and family or medical support from professionals such as a GP.  It's good that you have sought help as it shows a desire to escape from your present situation - some people are so badly depressed that they cannot summon the effort to do that.


When we are at low points it's difficult to put life into perspective and the future can seem hopeless but that is a fallacy brought on by depression.  You only have to read through this thread to see that some individuals who also felt they were at rock bottom when they first posted have improved.  You're in a difficult situation but the steps you've taken are good and hopefully will put you on the road to recovery.  Depression isn't an illness that is cured overnight but one that takes time to overcome so please don't expect instant results from the CBT, just be patient with yourself.  



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14 minutes ago, tom27111 said:

Exactly a year ago today, I was in a mental health hospital.


I know I keep saying the same thing, but if you're suffering, you can get through it.


I'm loving life more than ever right now.


It was a struggle and without some of you I might not even be here and I'll be eternally grateful. 


It gets better.


It's especially hard this time of year, but just talk. You'll be amazed how much it helps.


Anyone feel free to PM me at anytime x

Kin el Tom, I can't believe it's a year ago.


I remember your posts from then and I think a lot of us were very concerned for you at that time.


The progress you've made in the last 12 months have been one of the highlights and success stories of this thread mate.


I'm so chuffed for you fella. It's all onwards and upwards from here! 

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3 hours ago, Izzy Muzzett said:

Kin el Tom, I can't believe it's a year ago.


I remember your posts from then and I think a lot of us were very concerned for you at that time.


The progress you've made in the last 12 months have been one of the highlights and success stories of this thread mate.


I'm so chuffed for you fella. It's all onwards and upwards from here! 


You're 1 of the reasons I'm here mate.


But you're the main reason I don't read the joke thread lol


We wI'll have a pint one day x

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I know there has been some chat about SAD in here, and whilst I was browsing through the Amazon offers today, I saw this SAD lamp which is on sale. Thought I'd post the link in case its useful for anyone who is looking for one.



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1 hour ago, orangecity23 said:

I know there has been some chat about SAD in here, and whilst I was browsing through the Amazon offers today, I saw this SAD lamp which is on sale. Thought I'd post the link in case its useful for anyone who is looking for one.



I always read SAD as social anxiety disorder. I was curious as to how a lamp will help me with that lol

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Well holy fcuk.


Earlier in this thread I was talking about embracing depression and not fighting it, and how I once struggled but these days doing fine.

Well, scratch that.


My God I have been hit by a force that has almost rendered me immobile.

Two weeks ago I was on cloud 9 but now I am in the grips of despair and anguish so crippling and overpowering I can only see a cloak of darkness in front of me. Whats more I felt those uninvited waves of anxiety further crush my soul and the panic it rides with, for so long held at bay by my content and eventually happy self, now once again knocking at my door.


I tell myself I am strong as I was before. Before I lost so much. I wont go into specifics, but I guess the Lord giveth and taketh away. 


I'm trying to crawl my way out of this. All I feel is painful sadness. I feel just writing about this on here is helpful in some way. I apologize for the extremely dark tone I don't wish to sound melodramatic My God this life rides you high one day and smashes you the next. 

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1 hour ago, somebum said:

Well holy fcuk.


Earlier in this thread I was talking about embracing depression and not fighting it, and how I once struggled but these days doing fine.

Well, scratch that.


My God I have been hit by a force that has almost rendered me immobile.

Two weeks ago I was on cloud 9 but now I am in the grips of despair and anguish so crippling and overpowering I can only see a cloak of darkness in front of me. Whats more I felt those uninvited waves of anxiety further crush my soul and the panic it rides with, for so long held at bay by my content and eventually happy self, now once again knocking at my door.


I tell myself I am strong as I was before. Before I lost so much. I wont go into specifics, but I guess the Lord giveth and taketh away. 


I'm trying to crawl my way out of this. All I feel is painful sadness. I feel just writing about this on here is helpful in some way. I apologize for the extremely dark tone I don't wish to sound melodramatic My God this life rides you high one day and smashes you the next. 

Never apologise for writing on this thread mate.


You don’t sound melodramatic to me, you sound in a lot of pain and like you’re suffering right now.


There’s been many a time for me over the years where I thought I’d ‘cracked it’ and was fine again, only to then hit that wall of darkness you’ve described again.


You must be strong because it sounds like you’ve overcome this before, but my natural curiosity just wonders what (if anything) has changed in your life over the last two weeks that’s bought on the anxiety again? (not just external events but also internal thinking?)


Trying to “crawl your way out” sounds like you’ve accepted your new temporary state and recognise you’re not in a good place - which is the start of the recovery process again.


Coming on here and being so brave and open is another step in reaching out for help and support, so good on ya writing this post.


Your content and happy self is only a thought away my friend. You don’t have to let all that darkness and despair through your door again. Tell it Fvck off and instead be grateful for all the good in your life.


Its a battle and it’s hard. I wish you well mate and please keep posting and updating on here.


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