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Possible 2nd lockdown for Leicester?

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43 minutes ago, holyfox said:

@Mickyblueeyesmakes a really important point. Certain parts of Leicester are being tested more and so identifying more cases. Firstly, we need mobile testing units in all areas of the City and secondly, with all the crazy gatherings in London and seaside resorts, I am as certain as can be that if they started extensive testing in many parts of the UK, you'd start seeing more spikes. The death rate is down dramatically and unless people go and get tested at a mobile testing facility, the official stats only show those who ended up in Hospital.

Try sticking one in Liverpool and they’d set light to it. No testing = no virus.

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Might have been mentioned already but anybody else noticed the finger increasingly being pointed at Leicester's dodgy garment factories? Staying open when should've been closed, forcing staff to come in etc?


Given that factory environments seem to be a common source of outbreaks globally (I was confused that there was an outbreak in Anglesey, but apparently this was linked to a chicken processing plant) this would seem as plausible an explanation for why Leicester's got a problem as any

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13 minutes ago, Bellend Sebastian said:

Might have been mentioned already but anybody else noticed the finger increasingly being pointed at Leicester's dodgy garment factories? Staying open when should've been closed, forcing staff to come in etc?


Given that factory environments seem to be a common source of outbreaks globally (I was confused that there was an outbreak in Anglesey, but apparently this was linked to a chicken processing plant) this would seem as plausible an explanation for why Leicester's got a problem as any

A C4 reporter got as far as a doorway in a Leicester hoisery factory yesterday and two employees admitted they continued working (although one did say, as an afterthought, they socially distanced). They said the boss was unavailable as they shut the door in her face. 


Spot checks are required to confirm they are complying with the rules or risk being shutdown. 

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41 minutes ago, oxford blue said:

Report in the Guardian about Leicester factories:



Quite strong circumstantial evidence now that these have been a major part of the problem, together with other issues eg overcrowded accommodation which had led to the spike in cases. 

Given the responses I seen on the training thread where people consider going to work as essential for "any" job, this doesnt surprise me.


In the early lockdown, it was illegal to do non essential work, but so many people treated "any" work as essential, since the argument has always been you cant eat if you dont get paid.


However I am not sure if this is the cause, because (a) the government said they targeted the factories with no effect and (b) I think its down to the testing regime in Leicester.


What we need to see is pillar B testing for every other city in the country.

Plus amount of tests for every other city in the country vs Leicester.


I expect the second data will never be public, and the first only when it suits the government agenda.  (probably only will release pillar B data for locked down areas).

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12 minutes ago, Chrysalis said:

Given the responses I seen on the training thread where people consider going to work as essential for "any" job, this doesnt surprise me.


In the early lockdown, it was illegal to do non essential work, but so many people treated "any" work as essential, since the argument has always been you cant eat if you dont get paid..

Just to say those of us on that thread stating construction workers as an example don't necessarily agree with them going to work. I certainly don't. However, when you are in a business which is so crash and boom, you understand a workers motive for still working - good examples where self-employed persons are not entitled because of their years previous earnings or recently started (therefore can't claim on the self-employment scheme).


Equally you understand the person in a factory who worries about losing their job having to go into work. Furlough gets them paid but it doesn't protect a job - we have this relationship with employers where we assume extra effort is to be rewarded. 

Edited by Cardiff_Fox
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2 minutes ago, Chrysalis said:

Its like Victorian times?


Boarded up windows and such.

A modern day leper colony.


Perhaps they should make Leicester the Virus capital and send all hospital cases here. 

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Just now, Dahnsouff said:

Not sure how emptying Merseyside is going to help  :dunno:

We could live vicariously off their Championship Win.


We're the virus capital you'll never sing that!


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11 minutes ago, Cardiff_Fox said:

Just to say those of us on that thread stating construction workers as an example don't necessarily agree with them going to work. I certainly don't. However, when you are in a business which is so crash and boom, you understand a workers motive for still working - good examples where self-employed persons are not entitled because of their years previous earnings or recently started (therefore can't claim on the self-employment scheme).


Equally you understand the person in a factory who worries about losing their job having to go into work. Furlough gets them paid but it doesn't protect a job - we have this relationship with employers where we assume extra effort is to be rewarded. 

I probably misunderstood the current restrictions so in the current context, I may have got it wrong on it been essential work only.  I also obviously understand individuals been concerned about their employment status.


But it is confusing, as this story indicates these factories were meant to close on monday, what was the reason, they were non essential, or work conditions not safe enough?


The fact they boarding up their windows is a grave concern, and drastic action is probably needed given the stories coming out.

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On 29/06/2020 at 14:50, Ollie93 said:

Do they? I was chatting to my friend yesterday, whos dad works in the ICU in the royal, and they said it was very, very full.

Looks like I was wrong mate. The council weren't being supplied with the full data so did not understand the size of the problem according to the official data the virus was very much in decline.

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8 minutes ago, The whole world smiles said:

Looks like I was wrong mate. The council weren't being supplied with the full data so did not understand the size of the problem according to the official data the virus was very much in decline.

This is the problem, i'm reading some reports saying these new cases were 2 weeks ago and some saying our hospitals are fine. Very strange times.

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40 minutes ago, Chrysalis said:

The problem is, it may not be a spike.


1 - These extra confirmed cases have come from extra testing in the area, we were on the 16 june behind the other higher cities, like Rochdale and Bradford, then what happened was the government moved mobile testing units all into the east of the city (not spread out evenly which skewed the results) , and then are acting shocked when the inevitable happened, obviously if you test more people, and target those tests in specific cluster spots, you going to have a large change in the city wide stats, for the government to not know this is face palm.  NHS bosses have even told the mayor they accept this may well be whats happened.  The jump in cases between 16 june and monday is down to those testing units.  Even before the 16 june though, Leicester was part of a trial of a new track and trace system so has had more tests done than most other cities.  More on this on #2/

2 - Pillar 1 and pillar 2 testing, pillar 1 is the public data what you see in newspapers etc.  for most cities only pillar 1 data is public, but pillar 2 got released for leicester so the gov could justify the lockdown, this has led to people comparing leics pillar 2 to other cities pillar 1.  Leics pillar 1 data is higher then average but not spiking, its just steady.  


I am 50/50 on if this is just incompetence or deliberate designed to remind the public its not over and leics is the pick for the experiment, we have never been a favourable city for governments, we get very little grants etc, and also are only in trials that are trials for negative things like benefit reform etc.  Not for flashy things like FTTP broadband or new capital investments.  Also the areas that were under consideration for lockdown and were removed are all tory wards.


This should have been a quarantine of the streets in question and not a city wide lockdown, it should have been done 2 weeks ago, and schools should never have been reopened. 


There is also Kent etc, which have no local lockdown, where is the consistency?  I think we are a guinea pig right now, they awaiting to see what happens, before deciding on other areas.

Completely agree with all you've said. This is where if the criteria was set beforehand as to what would trigger a local lockdown then we all know where we are and why.


But it seems pretty arbitrary and reactionary. I still maintain if local out breaks happen there needs to be a lockdown enforced, but I have literally no idea what is actually going on in Leicester case wise as I am just reading contradictory reports and outdated stats.

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12 hours ago, Leicester_Loyal said:

Some people have been following the rules for 3 months straight. Now there's a slight return to normality we've been handed this because selfish people are still breaking the rules. These same people will still continue to break the rules because the chances of being caught are slim and the punishments aren't even worth it, £60 fine or something like that? How many people have actually received anything like this? Not many I'll wager. Until they start to get harsh on people breaking the rules, they'll continue to be broken and we'll stay in this position.


My parents have worked almost everyday throughout this, as have I, we're all key workers. They had a holiday booked for 5th July away in a caravan, they've booked and paid for it, been looking forward to it for a while now, they've followed social distancing rules, only gone out to go work and one of them to go shopping, now they're being told they might be locked up for another 8 weeks because campsites won't accept them as they're from Leicester?


Meh, I'm ranting now, the ones being punished are the good ones who follow the rules, it's bollocks.

Exactly, my mum and grandma havent left the confines of their house and garden for 4 months, its a joke.

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So many questions

  • Shouldn't a local lockdown ALWAYS be reactionary?
  • Isn't this lockdown off the back of a rise of the number of cases in infection prevalence in children?
  • Like many, my parents are effectively self isolating and half been since before lockdown was initially enforced, but they are lucky as they have each other so are happy, keen even, to see the lockdown "completed properly"  and wondered if this sentiment is common?
  • I am unsure on testing if the government has sole responsibility or if any local health entities are involved?
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18 minutes ago, Ollie93 said:

Exactly, my mum and grandma havent left the confines of their house and garden for 4 months, its a joke.

I cannot see the announced changes fixing anything.


We just keep expanding the testing in the worst areas so will continue to get skewed results, and gone to a lockdown which people who ignored before will ignore again.


Anyone in Leicester I would seriously consider moving if things dont improve by late July, I be very surprised if this lockdown is removed in 2 weeks time, it could easily last for months.  Especially if places are discriminating because you from Leicester.  Some virus movies are starting to feel real where a infected city is treated like outsiders by the rest.


It feels like a social experiment.

Edited by Chrysalis
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