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F****** I get married in three days

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Finners is right, no pressure to be funny.  If you do any funnies, try and avoid in jokes that barely any of your audience will get.


Heartfelt always goes down well.


Thank everyone who's helped, say nice things about your in-laws and if you start thanking individuals for God's sake make sure you don't miss anyone out

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Just make sure you are really complimentary about your wife, don't embarrass her with any old stories but speak from your heart about how you feel about her now. Nobody else really matters, the day is yours and about you and her. 


Many congratulations, take some time on the day for the both of you, it will disappear in a heartbeat so take a few minutes to stand back as a couple to take it all in :)

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Thank everyone first and foremost. Compliment your partners family and your own. Thank your suppliers. Talk about things you and your wife have in common, what makes you both laugh and get on. Don't go on and on and on though - that's the worst! 


Don't do any in-jokes or jokes only you and 1 or 2 people will get otherwise it'll become awkward. 


A Leicester FA Cup win reference went down well when I did mine, just saying :D


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Its the biggest and best party you will ever have in your life, who cares about the speech. Do the usual: thank everyone, you wouldnt be the person you are without them, your partner is amazing, pick out a few anecdotes from your time together that will make you look 'thoughtful' and say you cant wait to build a future together. Other than that, get excited and enjoy yourself to the max.

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I cried when I did my speech.


Most emotional I’ve ever been in my life ( apart from May ‘16)

No idea what happened but I totally lost it.


As said, just speak from the heart and tell your wife how amazing she looks and how lucky you are etc etc


One of the best days of your life. Enjoy every moment 



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Don't feel like you have to write a long speech, just cover the main points, thanking everybody and calling your wife beautiful. Too many long speeches is a mood killer and the best man won't thank you for waffling on for half an hour. The reality is it's normally a huge amount of stress writing a speech that most people will forget the contents of within minutes. 

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1 minute ago, Captain... said:

Don't feel like you have to write a long speech, just cover the main points, thanking everybody and calling your wife beautiful. Too many long speeches is a mood killer and the best man won't thank you for waffling on for half an hour. The reality is it's normally a huge amount of stress writing a speech that most people will forget the contents of within minutes. 

Thanks man

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I honestly nearly set up a "Wedding thread" a few days ago due to the nerves kicking in for mine.


We have done away with a lot of the traditions, no speeches (both families are pretty shy introverted people) not even sure we are having a first dance tbf.


All the best in yours @casablancaslet us know how the day goes and send plenty of advice my way lol

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as others have said, it’s the best man’s job to get the laughs so leave it to them.


start off with “My wife and I” or something to the effect, that will get a cheer hearing to say wife for the first time. 

then thank the wedding party one by one, then say some nice things about your wife and job done. 

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6 hours ago, Finnegan said:

Don't try too hard to make everyone laugh, let your best man sweat that out. Speak from the heart, remember to thank everyone, be honest and don't pressure yourself to make it a show stopper. It's fine if it's pretty basic - everyone's going to remember the day as a whole, not sweat what you did or didn't say. 


You'll be fine mate. 





Advice from some jabroni who knows they can't elicit a chuckle from the audience imo. You have to make it funny or people will be outright disappointed

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