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Standers in N block ejected, Banned and cancelled season tickets

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Its not the theatre or pantomime..or dare i say rugby.

This is what happens at football...Its what little johnny will be saying at school when he is about 7!!!...this is not an idealistic place of friendship and love.....

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Can't understand the whingers and moaners on here re this issue? It's part and parcel of the game and the day out for gods sake?

Break any ground rule in any ground you will be subject to any of the following:-



Season ticket confiscated or a ban from the club.

Its simples as someone has said stand up now and again you go unnoticed. Persistantly stand up you run the risk of getting any of the above.

It's a known tatic to wait until the said individual goes for a leek or a coffee on his own before he gets either arrested or ejected saves any potential trouble or crowd aggro etc.

It is simple if you do not like it don't go.

It happens all the time at clubs up and down the country just not ours. I think they are lucky to only get a three game ban. Do it at Spurs or Arsenal season ticket is confiscated for the entire season.

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I haven't read every post. But you are about 8 years too late if you think this is an isolated incident. 2 of our lads at the back of sk1, got chucked out by stewards at half time.

Got met at bottom of stairs once isolated from our group and it wasn't going to cause a seen. 3 game ban seasos cancelled and it took going all the way to tim davis CE @ the time to get it sorted. They missed 6 games in the end.

They also had england away fan plus memebership to which incident was reported. Could have affected travelling with england.

Excuse was persistant standing. Which may have been the case but there was 20 of us on the back row doing the same. They took an easy target.

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I haven't read every post. But you are about 8 years too late if you think this is an isolated incident. 2 of our lads at the back of sk1, got chucked out by stewards at half time.

Got met at bottom of stairs once isolated from our group and it wasn't going to cause a seen. 3 game ban seasos cancelled and it took going all the way to tim davis CE @ the time to get it sorted. They missed 6 games in the end.

They also had england away fan plus memebership to which incident was reported. Could have affected travelling with england.

Excuse was persistant standing. Which may have been the case but there was 20 of us on the back row doing the same. They took an easy target.

Spot on post well said. My point exactly re my earlier post.

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L1 is not a standing area. It's an all seater stadia

Yes and if the club wanted to do anything about it or had any bottle. Then i guess they could ban the whole block for persistant standing. Only they won't so little hitler has to show he is doing something by picking people out in other sections and doing it whislt they have a piss or a burger.

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Why because you say so? I don't have young kids but if families want to take their kids to the football and want to sit with other families of similar ages without having people swearing at each other and acting like they would fight each other if it wasn't for police and stewards then they should be able to. That is what the family stand is for. Not for a bunch of people to act like they are big and clever in front of young children. Message to people in N block is move to L1 or K because it's only a matter of time till the club turf you all out of there.

You're wrong I'm afraid I'm only a 'kid' but I remember filbert street the 'family area/stand' started near the away fans and people used to stand there? Nothing wrong with N block what so ever just our club. Who ever designed the ground plan and decided to put the family stand there is an absolute crumpet.

The only reason the kop isn't the family stand is because the family stand holds 600 less seats than the kop. Which could have been easily solved at the time of planning push the away end towards L more and take the seats in the away end for 'extra capacity'. Simple really.

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This makes for interesting reading. I'm not your 'typical' fan perhaps, as I'm female and take my 10 year old son to the games now.

I started following the club in the 80's and stood in the Kop nearest to the away fans from being 11 or 12. I never felt in the least bit threatened, loved the atmosphere and swearing/a few flying coins never hurt me! Never would have considered not standing and being anywhere other than Pen 2.

Was a season ticket holder for many years as I grew up, only am not at present as young children prohibit night weekday kickoffs etc.

So where do I choose to be with my 10 year old? In the family stand? No! Neither of us like it there. Usually in K block, though sitting because unless I could guarantee being the front row of standing, my son wouldn't be able to see. But we love the atmosphere, he is learning the songs etc. and the swearing doesn't bother me, he's well brought up and knows he cannot use bad language.

My slight issue is that some on here seem to feel that unless you are a young bloke out with his mates on the piss, you shouldn't be in K or L blocks. This is sad, as it never used to be that way, in the old filbert street Kop kids got passed overhead to the front so they could see and I never got anything but inclusion and respect despite being a young woman. Singing, wild celebrations and getting behind your team should be for all, male, female young or old! I do think if you are in the singing area you should be vocal but women and kids can do that too!

I'd swop the family stand and the Kop in an instant but unlikely ever to occur. But I'm not sure about this 'the family stand should be sanitised for families with young children' - it's a football match, not soft play. And lots of families, including mine, do not like it there. If you have half a brain you don't book seats near the away fans if you are sensitive about what your kids see and hear surely?

Just my rather long two pennies worth!

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This makes for interesting reading. I'm not your 'typical' fan perhaps, as I'm female and take my 10 year old son to the games now.

I started following the club in the 80's and stood in the Kop nearest to the away fans from being 11 or 12. I never felt in the least bit threatened, loved the atmosphere and swearing/a few flying coins never hurt me! Never would have considered not standing and being anywhere other than Pen 2.

Was a season ticket holder for many years as I grew up, only am not at present as young children prohibit night weekday kickoffs etc.

So where do I choose to be with my 10 year old? In the family stand? No! Neither of us like it there. Usually in K block, though sitting because unless I could guarantee being the front row of standing, my son wouldn't be able to see. But we love the atmosphere, he is learning the songs etc. and the swearing doesn't bother me, he's well brought up and knows he cannot use bad language.

My slight issue is that some on here seem to feel that unless you are a young bloke out with his mates on the piss, you shouldn't be in K or L blocks. This is sad, as it never used to be that way, in the old filbert street Kop kids got passed overhead to the front so they could see and I never got anything but inclusion and respect despite being a young woman. Singing, wild celebrations and getting behind your team should be for all, male, female young or old! I do think if you are in the singing area you should be vocal but women and kids can do that too!

I'd swop the family stand and the Kop in an instant but unlikely ever to occur. But I'm not sure about this 'the family stand should be sanitised for families with young children' - it's a football match, not soft play. And lots of families, including mine, do not like it there. If you have half a brain you don't book seats near the away fans if you are sensitive about what your kids see and hear surely?

Just my rather long two pennies worth!

Good post, regardless whether you're sitting in the family stand or not you should still expect to hear swearing.
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The club aren't that bothered about bad language, I know they say they are but if there was a true commitment to not letting the little angels hear naughty words they wouldn't put that section next to the away supporters.


Ejecting for standing only is a power trip, unless people around them want those who do to sit. I feel, in that case, their view is fair and comply. But if everyone is doing it and quite happy to there is no real reason to eject, and certainly not ban.

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The club aren't that bothered about bad language, I know they say they are but if there was a true commitment to not letting the little angels hear naughty words they wouldn't put that section next to the away supporters.

Ejecting for standing only is a power trip, unless people around them want those who do to sit. I feel, in that case, their view is fair and comply. But if everyone is doing it and quite happy to there is no real reason to eject, and certainly not ban.

They didn,t put that section next to the away fans, they put the away fans next to that section to try and prevent crowd trouble. I think the logic was that the away fans are unlikely to attack the kids in the family stand and I suspect this is the root of banning standing in the family stand.
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Kind of agree with what Gingerrr is saying, I just don't think he's getting his point across that well.

From the clubs POV - they want the family stand to remain family orientated. There's always going to be someone somewhere that moans about language etc, and in any other part of the ground people would be daft to complain about language. This is football, not ballet.

Can't really speak for how it is in N block, as I don't sit there but to kill what little atmosphere there is from N block is a bit of a shitter.

We all know what the club is like, they'll go out of their way to kill the atmosphere for the sake of looking like a "good, family friendly club".

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There's lots of other ways they could improve the family friendly club image, without damaging the atmosphere or making people sit down. Food, toilet facilities etc. are areas which could be improved. Oh and the car parking issue! I just don't think most families are concerned about the things the club thinks they are.

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The club has made the North stand the cheapest and

put the away fans next to it, so it will attract fans that

want to be next the away fans and pay the cheapest prices

regardless of it being called the Family stand.



When I first took my kids to see Leicester ( aged about 6)

I told them, it's ok to swear at football.

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What do you mean 'aimed towards L & K? The family stand is right next to them, they can hear it regardless. Even if they have a small following they can hear chants with swear words in.


Well before N block had any standers in there it was problem having away fans next to them. A few years ago I remember Millwall fans chucking stuff into the family stand.


The Family Stand shouldn't just be for families, that's the point. You wouldn't want them stopping families sitting in K or the Kop would you? Some non-families want to sit there purely because it's cheaper. The club have brought all this on themselves, they cannot complain when they are trying to price out the traditionally vocal areas of the ground yet make the family stand the cheapest. It's they who shouldn't be acting outraged because they know exactly what is going to happen because of their piss taking ways over the last few years.


We shouldn't even have a family stand frankly and if we did it should be the West Stand. It's a ridiculous notion and wouldn't be necessary if prices were reasonable in the first place. I don't like the favouring of certain groups nor do I like bias against others.



This makes for interesting reading. I'm not your 'typical' fan perhaps, as I'm female and take my 10 year old son to the games now.

I started following the club in the 80's and stood in the Kop nearest to the away fans from being 11 or 12. I never felt in the least bit threatened, loved the atmosphere and swearing/a few flying coins never hurt me! Never would have considered not standing and being anywhere other than Pen 2.

Was a season ticket holder for many years as I grew up, only am not at present as young children prohibit night weekday kickoffs etc.

So where do I choose to be with my 10 year old? In the family stand? No! Neither of us like it there. Usually in K block, though sitting because unless I could guarantee being the front row of standing, my son wouldn't be able to see. But we love the atmosphere, he is learning the songs etc. and the swearing doesn't bother me, he's well brought up and knows he cannot use bad language.

My slight issue is that some on here seem to feel that unless you are a young bloke out with his mates on the piss, you shouldn't be in K or L blocks. This is sad, as it never used to be that way, in the old filbert street Kop kids got passed overhead to the front so they could see and I never got anything but inclusion and respect despite being a young woman. Singing, wild celebrations and getting behind your team should be for all, male, female young or old! I do think if you are in the singing area you should be vocal but women and kids can do that too!

I'd swop the family stand and the Kop in an instant but unlikely ever to occur. But I'm not sure about this 'the family stand should be sanitised for families with young children' - it's a football match, not soft play. And lots of families, including mine, do not like it there. If you have half a brain you don't book seats near the away fans if you are sensitive about what your kids see and hear surely?

Just my rather long two pennies worth!


IMO these are the best 2 posts on this thread.

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Should be a campaign to make the Kop standing...


Always said if they ever get round to introducing safe standing that they should make the front half of the Kop standing. As close to replicating the Filbert Street Kop as you'll get.

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If you talking about swearing and banter/ripping someone then you shouldn't be taking kids to football at that age. Simple. Not saying you just in general. They need to hear it sometime.


This too. It's almost like they're pretending it doesn't exist. I used to go with my Mum and Dad at FS and the people behind us always used to swear, one of them said "oh no that kids here today, means we can't swear", my Mum overheard and actually encouraged them to as "he finds it funny" lol

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