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What on the roads has annoyed you today?

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Rant time after my drive back from the south coast.


Random fact. The outside lane [slow lane] on the M25 between the M40 and M1 junction (clockwise) is your own personal express way.


Congratulations! Now you can now play the role of a government official in a tin pot country/dictatorship! Yes you can cruise along admiring the empty lane whilst looking at all the degenerate scum who have to use the three heavily congested lanes.


How so?


It is because the M25 at that point is four lanes and our country is full of f#cking idiots who sit in the three over taking lanes doing 60mph and thus rendering the outside lane obsolete.


I also lost count of how many times I had to undertake people on the M1 as well. Cruising up behind someone on the inside lane. They dont move over. wait. They don't move over. Slowly go into the middle lane to see how the road plays out. The middle lane is empty. Go back into the inside lane. Flash them. Wait. Flash them again. Wait. Undertake. Give them the finger.


I need this or something simillar:




Message to use: "This is an overtaking lane. You are not overtaking. Get out of this lane you c#nt"


edit: there may be a character limit. therefore I suggest using 'c#nt'





Edited by adam1
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On 05/08/2016 at 04:07, Izzy Muzzett said:

I've been driving in Orlando on holiday for the last few days and can't get to grips with the motorways. There seems to be no slow lane, middle lane or fast lane like we have, and it's more of a 'free for all' with constant undertaking appearing to be the norm. And then the inside lane keeps 'merging' with no fvckin prior notice which is freaking me out. The whole things just back to front really. Why can't driving on the same side of the road be standard all over the world FFS. I don't ask for much...

There's no slow, middle or fast lane here in the UK either....

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Coming up soar valley way to the crossroads at the top near glen parva, in the left lane needing to get in the right lane but there's someone there next to me, slow down so he can overtake/move ahead and I can follow in behind but he slows down, I slow down more and he slows down more. Then he flashes me and eventually moves away. No idea what he was playing at. 

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Tell you what, fvck driving any longer. I've had enough - really. Nearly 30 years since I passed my test and I fear for my life most times I go out on the road these days. It's fvckin nuts out there and it's getting worse every year. Probably me and my advancing years, but I' warming to the idea of public transport more and more. Even short distance driving trips are a battle, and people seem to be getting more and more impatient. Worlds gone mad. I'm out.

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I know how you feel. Last week I'm driving from town along frog island and a pedestrian just crosses the road in front of me making me swerve. Then i' m driving along fosse road and I see a cyclist coming towards me riding on the wrong side of the road. Worse thing, it didn't even surprise me. People just seem to be in their own bubbles oblivious the world around them.


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15 hours ago, Ozwin said:

Coming up soar valley way to the crossroads at the top near glen parva, in the left lane needing to get in the right lane but there's someone there next to me, slow down so he can overtake/move ahead and I can follow in behind but he slows down, I slow down more and he slows down more. Then he flashes me and eventually moves away. No idea what he was playing at. 

I get this all the time on dual carriageways because I have a little car people think they can bully me. Always an Audi tw&t that just won't let you in. Does my head in.

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3 minutes ago, Benguin said:

I get this all the time on dual carriageways because I have a little car people think they can bully me. Always an Audi tw&t that just won't let you in. Does my head in.

If your car isn't worth much then just blindly carry on and I'm sure the repair bill would put them off not yielding lol

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7 minutes ago, Great Boos Up said:

Jaguar drivers, why have the powerful car and be the slowest on the roads. I'm always trying to overtake one.

The national speed limit on a single lane road is 60! I so hate them!


Just had the exact same thing Boosy when driving down the A5 earlier ...   some dickhead in front doing about 39 mph on a 60 road ...    had to thrash the pants off the pick up to eventually get by him ...   people like that cause accidents and are in some ways as bad as speeding drivers ...    I contemplated that there are some real pricks out there who have no idea about good driving practice as I drove home from the pub after drinking 5 excellent pints of beer.


(Not sure if I should be talking to you as you only have 6 dots ...   :)).

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Two things:


First of all, for a country with about 2 weeks of sun a year you would expect British drivers to be used to driving in the rain but instead you get traffic jams as far as the eye can see the second a bit of condensation appears on some guy's windscreen.


Secondly the cvnt in an Audi (why's it always Audi drivers?) who tailgated me at about 10pm tonight (I was doing just over 50kmh in a 30mph zone ie. marginally above the limit but within reason and being dark it meant his lights were all I could see in the rearview)  then after we reached some traffic lights at which we both needed to turn left he reacted incredibly slowly to it turning green before - realising his manhood was clearly at stake having spent the past half a mile showing off his great driving prowess to my rear bumper - went full pelt on his accelerator and rounded me (barely dodging an island) to zoom off at what I'm guessing must have been at least 60mph.   He joined my road from the local hospital's exit point, I can only hope the next time he's there it's because he did himself and himself alone some mischief the massive bellend.

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6 hours ago, Carl the Llama said:

Two things:


First of all, for a country with about 2 weeks of sun a year you would expect British drivers to be used to driving in the rain but instead you get traffic jams as far as the eye can see the second a bit of condensation appears on some guy's windscreen.


Secondly the cvnt in an Audi (why's it always Audi drivers?) who tailgated me at about 10pm tonight (I was doing just over 50kmh in a 30mph zone ie. marginally above the limit but within reason and being dark it meant his lights were all I could see in the rearview)  then after we reached some traffic lights at which we both needed to turn left he reacted incredibly slowly to it turning green before - realising his manhood was clearly at stake having spent the past half a mile showing off his great driving prowess to my rear bumper - went full pelt on his accelerator and rounded me (barely dodging an island) to zoom off at what I'm guessing must have been at least 60mph.   He joined my road from the local hospital's exit point, I can only hope the next time he's there it's because he did himself and himself alone some mischief the massive bellend.

I live in hope that this sort of twattery will eventually be curtailed when insurance companies insist on all cars having black boxes so there's a financial cost to driving like a knob even before you smash into the wall of a listed building

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9 minutes ago, Bellend Sebastian said:

I live in hope that this sort of twattery will eventually be curtailed when insurance companies insist on all cars having black boxes so there's a financial cost to driving like a knob even before you smash into the wall of a listed building

Totally agree, I'd love them to be made law so we can rid ourselves of these dickheads.

Edited by Strokes
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4 hours ago, Bellend Sebastian said:

I live in hope that this sort of twattery will eventually be curtailed when insurance companies insist on all cars having black boxes so there's a financial cost to driving like a knob even before you smash into the wall of a listed building



Black boxes, white cameras, pop-up balloons - soon there'll be no room for the missus! lol 


Electric cars are coming, which'll do the driving for us...a Tesla even took it's owner to hospital not long ago and saved his life.


Only yesterday I read that many of us won't  even own cars soon, but will simply ring for one when we need it. 


Driverless too although, doubtless,  they'll still find reasons to prosecute the invisible offender and they'll still find excuse for an expensive insurance element.    



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14 hours ago, Carl the Llama said:

Two things:


First of all, for a country with about 2 weeks of sun a year you would expect British drivers to be used to driving in the rain but instead you get traffic jams as far as the eye can see the second a bit of condensation appears on some guy's windscreen.


Secondly the cvnt in an Audi (why's it always Audi drivers?) who tailgated me at about 10pm tonight (I was doing just over 50kmh in a 30mph zone ie. marginally above the limit but within reason and being dark it meant his lights were all I could see in the rearview)  then after we reached some traffic lights at which we both needed to turn left he reacted incredibly slowly to it turning green before - realising his manhood was clearly at stake having spent the past half a mile showing off his great driving prowess to my rear bumper - went full pelt on his accelerator and rounded me (barely dodging an island) to zoom off at what I'm guessing must have been at least 60mph.   He joined my road from the local hospital's exit point, I can only hope the next time he's there it's because he did himself and himself alone some mischief the massive bellend.


It is always an Audi because Audi's are designed to appeal to these kind of twats. Powerful? Yes. Expensive? Yes. As for the styling, look at this:



This actually looks like an angry car. Those headlights look like a frowning face. This design is vastly appealing to the permanently enraged knobhead driver. I'm sure there are plenty of sensible Audi drivers, but the way they are designed makes them irresistible to the committed knobhead driver, so much so that they all appear to have moved over from the BMWs they drove about 6 years ago.


As for headlights, my new(er) car I got a few months back has an auto dimming rearview mirror. I think it might be the best piece of innovation in decades. No longer do I get blinded at night when some bellend drives behind me with full beams on, or those ridiculous brighter than the sun LED white light headlights. Total gamechanger.

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Guest seanfox778
8 hours ago, Thracian said:



Black boxes, white cameras, pop-up balloons - soon there'll be no room for the missus! lol 


Electric cars are coming, which'll do the driving for us...a Tesla even took it's owner to hospital not long ago and saved his life.


Only yesterday I read that many of us won't  even own cars soon, but will simply ring for one when we need it. 


Driverless too although, doubtless,  they'll still find reasons to prosecute the invisible offender and they'll still find excuse for an expensive insurance element.    



This'll never happen in our day and age, they'd probably call it something futuristic and cutting edge like... 'Taxi'. :ph34r:

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5 hours ago, orangecity23 said:


It is always an Audi because Audi's are designed to appeal to these kind of twats. Powerful? Yes. Expensive? Yes. As for the styling, look at this:



This actually looks like an angry car. Those headlights look like a frowning face. This design is vastly appealing to the permanently enraged knobhead driver. I'm sure there are plenty of sensible Audi drivers, but the way they are designed makes them irresistible to the committed knobhead driver, so much so that they all appear to have moved over from the BMWs they drove about 6 years ago.


As for headlights, my new(er) car I got a few months back has an auto dimming rearview mirror. I think it might be the best piece of innovation in decades. No longer do I get blinded at night when some bellend drives behind me with full beams on, or those ridiculous brighter than the sun LED white light headlights. Total gamechanger.

Cars as status symbols - too pathetic for words. I'll stick to my old Peugeot Estate with 350,000 miles on the clock and more bruises than a journeyman boxer. Even cyclists look ashamed if I pass them! .:)   

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Two things:


People who put inappropriate tyres on their car (might be corrected about this!) you know when people have three wheels with nice big tyres and then they have the tiniest, thinnest tyre as their spare. Isn't that dangerous? Isn't it even more dangerous when said car is a 2014 saloon Mercedes?


Also, the old woman at the crossing on the B4114 on Tuesday in her nice shiny new Honda Civic. Lights on red, two old dears crossing, no sooner had they crossed her lane then she drove off. Lights still on red and they hadn't even gone past my lane. Wtf?? What absolute arrogance and stupidity. Thankfully the car in front of me pulled her up on it at the next set of lights.

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