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What grinds my gears...

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16 minutes ago, Izzy Muzzett said:

Selling, business development, marketing, and all that bollux.


My product is fvcking amazing so just buy it you bunch of cvnts.


You have my solidarity, Izzy.


Being unsuited to "selling, business development, marketing and that bollux" explains why I've only made a barely adequate income as a translator.

Excellent translator (about the only thing I am excellent at), adequate business administrator, half-arsed business developer, rubbish salesman and rubbish self-marketer....not inclined and not convincing.


I'd go so far as to say that, in most spheres, someone with a mediocre product/service who is good at "all that bollux" will far out-perform someone with an outstanding product/service who is crap at "all that bollux".

Word of mouth can help to varying extent, depending on the sector, but being a good schmoozer and bullshitter is more important at bringing in the ackers, I reckon...... Bitter, moi?

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40 minutes ago, Izzy Muzzett said:

Selling, business development, marketing, and all that bollux.


My product is fvcking amazing so just buy it you bunch of cvnts.


15 minutes ago, Alf Bentley said:


You have my solidarity, Izzy.


Being unsuited to "selling, business development, marketing and that bollux" explains why I've only made a barely adequate income as a translator.

Excellent translator (about the only thing I am excellent at), adequate business administrator, half-arsed business developer, rubbish salesman and rubbish self-marketer....not inclined and not convincing.


I'd go so far as to say that, in most spheres, someone with a mediocre product/service who is good at "all that bollux" will far out-perform someone with an outstanding product/service who is crap at "all that bollux".

Word of mouth can help to varying extent, depending on the sector, but being a good schmoozer and bullshitter is more important at bringing in the ackers, I reckon...... Bitter, moi?


I'm not sure I'm seeing the problem here, guys.


Do what you're good at and pay someone else to market it. Simples (as the kids have probably moved on from saying :D)

Edited by Buce
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1 hour ago, SystonFox said:

Maggots. Growing in my wheelie bin. I’ve put shed loads of salt on them, boiling water. And an hour later there is more.


they freak me out too

I was going to post the same thing. Had to put my rubbish out this morning, and I'm in Oadby and Wigston where we still put black sacks out. I didn't spot them until I'd got a couple of them on my hands after tying up the sack :( Proper made me feel dirty. I've since found some at the bottom of my kitchen bin too. That's even worse, knowing they're in my house. It must be down to the heat though, surely, I've never had them before? 

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47 minutes ago, David Guiza said:

The utter morons who say something mildly controversial and then make a reference to fishing when somebody responds back to argue. Get back in the sea.  

Yeah, pretty much Internet trolling to a tee.


If you define any or all of the entertainment in your life by saying stuff that you don't really believe in (important, that part) in order to deliberately cause distress to random folks on the Internet, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate your life and stop being an egotistical, sadistic prat.



26 minutes ago, SouthStandUpperTier said:

Ravens, Magpies, Jackdaws. Basically any bird from the Crow family. Cocky, arrogant little shits.

Speaking of trolls, pretty much all the corvid family are the trolls of the bird world. They know they're fvcking with you and they enjoy it.

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People rushing around the city centres with their heads up their Arsenal having no consideration for others. They are either too important to give a feck or just simple! This wouldn't normally annoy me as I would just plough right into them but when I have a two year old with me....I mean come on people, SHE IS A PERSON have some manners! 

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11 hours ago, Carl the Llama said:

On the topic of ads, that cutesy dairy milk advert where the world's most savage shopkeeper forces a little girl to surrender all but one of her possessions in return for a bar of chocolate.  

Sorry but I'm with the shopkeeper on the one. He's busts his balls for 16hrs a day to make a living making whilst that little girl thinks she can purchase a chocolate with some shitty buttons or whatever they are? Harsh life lesson for the girl to refuse the chocolate bar, but she'll thank him for it in later life.


But yeah shit advert in general.

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Know adverts are mentioned a lot on here but the Lloyds ad on mental health doesnt sit comfortably with me.


Seems like they are using it because its a hot topic in the public eye and want to gain good publicity / customers on the back of it rather than actually giving a shit.

Edited by Nalis
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3 hours ago, pds said:

Having tonsilitis for the 8th time in the last 2 years. It's driving me insane. Not necessarily the sore throat but the aching, nausea and general lethargy that comes with it.

if you have it enough times in the space of 2 years (can't remember how many) you can ask your GP to be referred to then have them taken out.


I had it 3 times in the space of a year and started getting the white spots at the back of my throat and eventually had them taken out.

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14 minutes ago, StanSP said:

if you have it enough times in the space of 2 years (can't remember how many) you can ask your GP to be referred to then have them taken out.


I had it 3 times in the space of a year and started getting the white spots at the back of my throat and eventually had them taken out.

I've been doctors every time and all I ever get is that it is just viral and give it a few days and sent on my way. Full of white spots everytime.

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26 minutes ago, pds said:

I've been doctors every time and all I ever get is that it is just viral and give it a few days and sent on my way. Full of white spots everytime.


Eugghhh !! ....     Leave the forum immediately please ....




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