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What on the roads has annoyed you today?

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Cyclist who ride on the road when there is a massive purpose built cycle path next to the road to aid traffic movement. Why? Do you think you are some kind of holy person above all else that you don't have to use the cycle path? Your cycle ability is far superior to riding on that purpose built path? I don't care! Just gtf out of my way! You are holding up traffic! Rahhhhh! Early start this morning and the last thing I needed on an already busy road, was that.

Apologies folks, needed to get that off my chest. :)

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Yesterday I encounted the biggest bit of cvntness I have seen in a long time.

In the fens there are a few roads that run parrallel to rivers with no banks .so on this stretch a 40mph limit is enforced.

I was travelling along this road 4 cars back in the line when some knobhead decided to take us all on,unfortunately there is a sharp left hand bend with trees and bushes on the left.it is impossible to see around there even this time of year.This tosser was still overtaking round this bend with 2 cars still to go.Russian roulette.All I was thinking was this was it for any poor oncoming car,I couldn't give a fook about him but it would have been horrendous,I eased off as I could see it happening.if something had happened I would have helped anyone but left him till last.Cvnt of the year award.looked like a right weasel aswell,but as you can imagine I was fuming.

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Might just set myself a reminder to stick "cyclists" in here every few days as I'm absolutely sure there'll have been an instance where at least one self-righteous cyclist arsewipe behaved like a complete prat.


I love how they all demand to be treated like cars when half of them just skip red lights when there's nothing coming or hop onto the pavement to avoid them.


They're all *****.

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People who willfully ignore the signs on Noel Street, next to Upperton Road, and pop out to join Narborough Road when it's quite clearly ONE WAY. Call me an idiot but I'm quite happy to walk out in front of a car and give them a volley, as I did after the game yesterday, if you have the temerity to have a go at me.


Surely a one way system is not hard to understand?

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Those that aren't so much use drivers drive on top of them.


i thought it was ok to drive over a mini roundabout as they are just there to let everyone know a roundabout system (give way to the right) is in place.


obviously its not wise to do this when there is a risk of collision but otherwise ive always thought it was ok.


i drive over them even one time when there was a police car giving way to me.

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Those that aren't so much use drivers drive on top of them.


I hate mini roundabouts. Nobody knows how to use them. Too many situations where I'm waiting behind someone who won't go because the people at the exit won't go either.

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The M1 in general. Junctions 15A to 19 were restricted to just 50mph since around March 2014, I remember them after coming back from Yeovil at home when Kasper scored. They were due to complete in Autumn last year and I think they were finally done in the last week of November / first week of December.


That was for the concrete barrier for the central reservation. Now after a few weeks, they're starting more work between 16 & 18 to upgrade to a 'smart motorway' which is going to take at least a year. Meaning more 50mph restrictions with average speed cameras the whole way even when there is nobody working there at the time. Even at night sometimes, I can't understand why they can't lift the restrictions slightly at times when the carriageway is quiet and there is nobody working there. It seems like an absolute waste of time.

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Why is there never anyone doing any work when there's temporary traffic lights up?


Whole sections of road closed and nobody ever working on them, I see this every day whether it's morning, afternoon, evening or night time. Can anyone explain this?

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The M1 in general. Junctions 15A to 19 were restricted to just 50mph since around March 2014, I remember them after coming back from Yeovil at home when Kasper scored. They were due to complete in Autumn last year and I think they were finally done in the last week of November / first week of December.

That was for the concrete barrier for the central reservation. Now after a few weeks, they're starting more work between 16 & 18 to upgrade to a 'smart motorway' which is going to take at least a year. Meaning more 50mph restrictions with average speed cameras the whole way even when there is nobody working there at the time. Even at night sometimes, I can't understand why they can't lift the restrictions slightly at times when the carriageway is quiet and there is nobody working there. It seems like an absolute waste of time.

yeah just drove 100 miles down the M1 to leics from Leeds and this. F uck the M1.

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Doing 80mph on the A6 and got undertaken by some old bastard. Ohh and on the way to do some shopping at Beaumont Leys and some cvnt tried to cut me up on the A563 where it converts from two lanes into one. Squeezed the cvnt out though.


Why if there was room to undertake, were you in the outside line in the 1st place. ;)  :ph34r:

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Young guy then older guy overtook me, on a hill with bend, on a 50km limit, where warnings of farm traffic is known by everybody.. German, in fact all locals.

Young guy just clipped a van then older guy hit the back of the young guy.

Both protesting their innocence...I had stopped, and sided with the van driver.

The 2 idiots started to argue, thankfully the police were coincidently only 2 minutes behind us.

Then 2 vineyard worker also reporting to seeing it.A young woman driver behind me,

also reported to the police they overtook her going through the village before (100M).

The 2 idiots suddenly went quiet, then slowly apolegetic.

The van driver driving on the right/correct side of the road, was even racially abused..

.he is a turk, whos family I know.

The younger driver is a son of my neighbour, a few blocks away ( village).

The older one is local arrogant salesman.

Just think how it would of been sold by the 2 idiots, if it wasnt for the field workers ,

the girl and myself.

The police took their licenses, asked them to have their cars removed, either by services or family.

Report to station next day.Apparently both were already on speeding warnings.

In my area a country village, women with kids driving in village and in shared pedestrians

rights of way, using mobile phones.Drive 40-50km in these areas(10km)

Then all types mis-using rights of way on narrow-road signs within in village.

One funny but dangerous episode I witnessed a few years ago.

A stupid mercedes driver cut up a woman driver just before traffic lights, then gave gas.

I drove into the local gas station, where the man had tanked then was taking a coffee.

The young woman came in, the woman shouted 'you' of all people!! The guy suprised..with

shock wonder and smiling, saying 'oh hey'..not realising..

The woman then just clocked him one..telling him what a prat he is.

The guy tried to grab her suddenly, she grabbed his shoulder and threw him over her shoulder.

A lorry driver walked in, picked the guy up, held him against a fridge, and said

' are you the mercedes prat, who overtook causing me to swerve then cutting in front of her car'.

The mercs driver, was an ex-boyfriend , the woman had been taking judo and Karate lessons

after the split. The lorry driver was her cousin.The garage cashier was her auntie.They asked me

if I was the other car the Merc overtook, I said yeh no probs, besides shes my daughters friend.

The young woman went out, took her key and went along the whole of one side, then came

in and told her ex, ' now report that' ....obviously I have translated

She told me later, they spilt as friends, but it was his driving and arrogance on that day that pssed her off.

Let me say she is small and petite, and a really nice girl.She joined the customs-police 1yr later.

I still laugh about the whole incident.

Edited by fuchsntf
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On my way to the game last night driving down Saffron Lane and I notice this cyclist on the pavement coming towards the road to cross. He was going so quick I just knew he wasn't stopping. He literally came out right in front of me without hesitation. I had to slam on the brakes. It wasn't a zebra crossing or anything he just literally decided he wasn't stopping. He looked at me the whole time while crossing aswel.


I wound my window down saying what the **** do you think your doing. He said you should have stopped for me. I got out and said why on earth should I have stopped for you. Silly old c***. My mate was bewildered. The bloke behind me also wound his window down asking what the f*** the cyclist was thinking.


As a driver you just know when someone isn't going to stop. He was so lucky I had my foot hovering over the brake. He was so close to getting motored. I was furious.

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On my way to the game last night driving down Saffron Lane and I notice this cyclist on the pavement coming towards the road to cross. He was going so quick I just knew he wasn't stopping. He literally came out right in front of me without hesitation. I had to slam on the brakes. It wasn't a zebra crossing or anything he just literally decided he wasn't stopping. He looked at me the whole time while crossing aswel.


I wound my window down saying what the **** do you think your doing. He said you should have stopped for me. I got out and said why on earth should I have stopped for you. Silly old c***. My mate was bewildered. The bloke behind me also wound his window down asking what the f*** the cyclist was thinking.


As a driver you just know when someone isn't going to stop. He was so lucky I had my foot hovering over the brake. He was so close to getting motored. I was furious.



I had this once on Victoria Park Road, bloke just decided to cycle across the road the whole time he was looking at me - screamed all sorts of shit at him while I was jamming the brakes on. I take great pleasure knowing that at some point he'll do it again only the next driver will be going 5mph faster or be texting someone and said cyclist will be nothing more than a pile of entrails interwound with twisted bike frame

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filling up my car and the thing kept clicking/not pumping, I carried on for a while then realised the tank was full cos the diesel is so cheap atm. Got it all over my shoes.


And i bet when you got back in the car Una ...   It stunk !

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